School of
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science

Robotics and autonomous systems

This course is an advanced course in computer science focusing on the broad, inter-disciplinary field of robotics where the students build and program an autonomous robot.


The goals of the course are to give the students
  • knowledge about the basic concepts and technologies in the broad and interdisciplinary field of robotics,
  • experience of building and programming an autonomous robot, so that they will
  • have a general idea about the possibilities and limitations for robot technology of today,
  • be able to implement robots for performing relatively simple and well defined tasks


During the course a small, mobile, autonomous robot for performing certain tasks is built. This work is done as a project. The participants in the course work in groups on the practical implementation of a specific behaviour of this simple robot by integration of simple mechanisms for perception and manipulation of the robot. At the end of the course there is a contest between the robots that the participants have constructed.

The theoretical part of the course deals with fundamental concepts in robotics, kinematics, navigation and digital control. The practical part of the course includes studies of sensors and manipulators, the construction and programming of microcontrollers, and concrete advice on the building project.


The requirements for passing the course is to take the exam (individual) and complete the project including a report (in a group of 4 students).


The following table gives an outline of the schedule for the course. Please note that it is subject to changes.
Time + location Content Downloads
Lect1 25/3 10-12, D41 Introduction slides
Lect2 1/4 10-12, D41 Locomotion slides
Lab1 1/4 15-17, 1535 Introduction to the project lab robaut08-proj1.pdf
Lect3 3/4 13-15, E32 Kinematics and control slides
Lect4 8/4 10-12, D41 Sensors and perception slides
Lect5a 10/4 13-14, E32 How Robots Play Soccer
Kai Huebner
Thomas Röfer's slides
robocup video
Lect5b 10/4 14-15, E32 Ball Blaster
Last year's winning team
Lab2 10/4 15-17, 22:an
Teknikringen 14
More info on the project robaut08-proj2.pdf
Lect6 15/4 10-12, D41 Localization and Mapping slides
chi2 table
demo instructions
Lect7 17/4 13-15, E32 Localization and Mapping cont'd slides
EKF example
EKF solution example
Lect8 22/4 10-12, D41 Planning and Navigation slides

Fixed lab hours

The schedule below shows the date and time of when the lab assistant is scheduled to be in the lab. This is a good tim eto show that you reached milestones and ask questions.
Date Time
8/4 15-17
22/4 15-17
7/5 15-17


The grade on the course is given as the average grade from the exam and the project. When rounding is needed the grade will be rounded towards the grade of the project. That is if A on the project and B on the exam you get an A. You need a passing grade (>=E) on both the exam and the project to pass the course.

Exam grading

The exam consists of two parts.
  • The first part of the exam requires only relatively short answers and will only be corrected as pass/fail. If you pass this part you pass the exam. If you do not pass you fail the exam and the rest of the exam will not be corrected.
  • The second part of the exam can give you higher grades. The maximum score (without bonus credits) is 50. Bonus points (earned for completeing milestones on time) are added to the score.

Project grading

The grade on the project work will in most cases be the same for all group members. However, if it is clear that some members are doing significantly less work then others differentiated grades may be given. The first grade levels on the project have the following requirements. Please refer to the project page) for more detailed information about the milestones etc. To reach a certain grade you need to fulfill the requirements for the previous grade levels as well.
Grade Requirement
E Milestone1, report
D Milestone2
C Play football

The following table lists various things that can earn you higher grades

Grade Requirement
+1 Well written report
+1 Special skill
Localization on the field
+1 Special skill
Define your own

Important Dates

Spec Date and time
Milestone 0 8/4 17:00
Milestone 1 22/4 17:00
Milestone 2 7/5 17:00
Competition 15/5 14-17, E1 (open from 13 for setup and tests)
Exam 22/5 14-19, E31-36??
Reports due 5/6 15:00,

Course material

The course book is "Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots" by Roland Siegwart and Illah R. Nourbakhsh" published by the MIT Press.

Lectures notes are also available.


If you have any questions regarding the course you can contact
Copyright © Published by: Patric Jensfelt <>
Updated 2008-06-28