Skolan för
och datavetenskap

Applied Numerical Methods, part 1

Welcome to the course, autumn 2012!:

The written exam from Febr 4th is now available at the student office of Mathematics.

For those who have not yet presented the project: Please contact me with

an e-mail saying if you want to present it before Christmas or Next Year!

Written exam Thursday Dec 13, 14-19 in L21, L22 and F1 (OBS!!)

Please look at to see to which room you should go!

Reading directions and recommended exercises in the book you can find in the tentative schedule below.

IMPORTANT! The lab reports from Lab 2 must have a cover page.
This cover page you find here.
The report with the power page on front shall be submitted to the student office of Mathematics,
Lindstedtsvägen 25, Mon-Fri 12-15.

The reexam has been scheduled to 4th February 2013, 8-13 in E31,E32

Please be early to sign up for this (not later than January 14).

Announcement about a COMPACT COURSE DN2223, 3cr, 11-15 March 2013.

Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for conservation laws.

As you may know, we have a close collaboration in CSE education with the University of Erlangen.
Part of that is a teacher exchange. This year, Dr Vadym Aizinger will visit KTH and give a compact course. It consists of one
week of lectures and hand-on exercises during the week March 11 until March 15, 2013 together with a small project.
I include a course description in the attachment. More details can be found at the course's web site
This is a unique possibility to have a course with one of the world-leading experts in that area.
Besides the official registration please drop an email to where you state your name and refer to the course DN2221.

The projects have been distributed at the lecture Nov 5, 13-15 in D3.

Those of you who have not chosen a project, contact Lennart.

The project is presented orally in a seminar.
Times for presentation is found in the booking list obtained by pressing the following button:
Please note that 319 is located at Teknikringen 14.
Press here to receive the booking lists:

The course starts FRIDAY August 24, 2012 8-10 in E3, Lindstedtsvägen 3.
OBS! Aug 24 is the CORRECT starting date, NOT Aug 28!!!

To do the labs in the course you need knowledge of MATLAB. If you are
not acquainted with MATLAB you should follow a compact introductory course
given Monday Aug 20th, 13-17 and Wednesday Aug 22nd, 13-17 in the
room 3424 (Department of Mathematics, KTH).
Bring your Laptop with MATLAB!

Teacher of the course is Ass Prof Lennart Edsberg, NA-group, SCI-school, e-mail
Assistent helping with labs and correcting reports is PhD-student Doghonay Arjmand, NA-group, e-mail

The address to the NA-group until Sept 15th is Osquars Backe 2, floor 5.
After Sept 15, the address will be Teknikringen 14, floor 2-3,
Starting from this academic year the NA-group belongs to the Dep of Maths, KTH.

Material for the course:
1) Textbook, L.Edsberg "Introduction to computation and modeling for Differential equations", Wiley's 2008.
Available at KTH's bookstore, > 600SEK, see also this link
2) Some description of Matlab e.g. MATLAB 7 i korthet eller the "Dundee Matlab report"
The Matlab-description can be bought at the CSC-school student office at Osquars Backe 2, floor 2, SEK 40.

Account number for access to Nada's unix system, where you can run e.g. Matlab and Comsol Multiphysics, is obtained at Delfi, Nada's computer system group at floor 2, Osquars Backe 2.
At Delfi you can also get a keycard for access to Nada's computer rooms. A keycard will be given to those who have an account number.

Matlab and Comsol Multiphysics can be downloaded to your own computer if you are KTH student, see ProgDist

Labs to be done in groups of 2 students, responsible for each labreport.
The labs are found in the textbook, appendix C
Read about the requirements for the lab reports here

Laboration 1, deadline Sept 11th, also found here
FAQ lab1:
1) Can we use ode23 or ode45 in lab 1? Answer: no, use expm(A*t)
2) Shall we compute the eigenvalues in 2a) analytically?
Answer: if you want, easier is to use the eig-function in MATLAB.
3) Newton's method converges to only one (or two) of the critical points, why?
Answer: you have probably given the jacobian incorrectly.
Laboration 2, deadline Sept 28th
Laboration 3, deadline Oct 9th
Observe the misprint in the book: sin(pi*(z-a)/(z-b)) should be sin(pi*(z-a)/(b-a))
Laboration 4, deadline Nov 1st
Laboration 5, deadline Nov 26th
Laboration 6, deadline Dec 12th

The final project will be given out in the beginning of November.
The project is done in groups of 2-5 students. The results of the project are presented orally at one of the seminars in december.
The presentation is done with OH's or with computer, e.g. Power point. At least one day before the presentation, copies of the pictures of the presentation must be given to the teacher who will arrange copies for the audience. Every student in the group must make some contribution to the oral presentation.

The mark of the course (A, B, C, D or E) is based on the results of both labs, project and written exam.
Each lab is given a maximum number of credit points: Lab 1:3.0, Lab 2:4.0, Lab 3:3.0, Lab 4:5.0, Lab 5:4.0, Lab 6:4.0
If a lab is late (see date for submission above) the score will be reduced by 1 credit. The definitely final date for submitting a lab is Dec 17th.
The project is given maximum 5 credit points.
The written exam is given maximum of 29 credit points.
To pass the course minimum 14 credits are needed from the labs (max is 23), minimum 3 credits from the project (max is 5) and 13 from the written exam (max is 29).
The following scale will be used for the final grading (labs+project+exam):
Fx:>=27, E:>=32, D:>=37, C:>=42, B:>=47, A:>=52, max 57

Tentative schedule:
24/8: Chapter 1 and 2. 2.1-2.3 are important. EX 2.1.4, EX 2.1.6, EX 2.2.3,
EX 2.2.6, EX 2.2.7, EX 2.3.4, EX 2.3.6 are recommended
30/8: Chapter 2
3/9: Chapter 3. 3.3-3.4 are important. EX 3.3.3, EX 3.3.5, EX 3.4.2 are recommended.
4/9: Assisted lab
11/9: Chapter 3
13/9: Chapter 3
20/9: Chapter 4. 4.2-4.3 are important. EX 4.2.4, EX 4.2.8a, EX 4.3.1 are recommended.
24/9: Chapter 5,6. Repetition from math course. EX 5.2.2, EX 5.2.3, EX 5.2.7 are recommnded
28/9: Assisted lab
5/10: Chapter 6. 6.2-6.3 and 6.5 are important, EX 6.3.1, EX 6.3.2 are recommended
8/10: Assisted lab
22/10: Chapter 6,7. 7.2 and 7.4 are important. EX 7.2.1, EX 7.2.2, EX 7.3.1, EX 7.3.2 are recommended.
25/10: Assisted lab
5/11: Chapter 7
13/11: Comsol Multiphysics, background and demo
Demo exemple for Comsol is found here
15/11: Assisted lab Comsol Multiphysics
20/11: Chapter 8. Introduction, 8.2, 8.3 important. EX 8.1.1, EX 8.2.1, EX 8.2.4, EX 8.2.5 are recommended.
28/11: Chapter 8,9. EX 9.4.1, EX 9.4.2 are recommended.
3/12: Last lecture, project presentations
30/11,5/12,6/12,7/12: Project presentations
13/12: Written exam 14-19 in rooms D41,42,L21,22

Suggested dates for reexam: to be agreed upon

Here are some earlier exams:
dec-09 with solution solution dec-09
dec-08 with solution solution dec-08
dec-06 with solution solution dec-06

Questions to be studied as preparation for the exam are found here.

Copyright © Sidansvarig: Lennart Edsberg <>
Uppdaterad 2013-03-04