Skolan för
och datavetenskap
KTH / CSC / Aktuellt / Evenemang / Mini-Conference

Mini-Conference in Numerical Analysis

In Honor of Professor Germund Dahlquist

February 10, 2006

The conference took place February 10th from 1 pm to 5 pm in the lecture hall F3 at the main campus of KTH. The conference was open to all, free of charge. Before the lectures there was a registration/check-in and buffet lunch from 11.30 in E-ljusgården.


E-ljusgården, Lindstedtsvägen 3, floor 3

11.30 - Registration/check-in and lunch.

Lecture hall F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26, 13.00-17.00
13.00 - 13.10 Introduction: Ingrid Melinder, Dean of CSC, KTH
13.10 - 13.40 Björn Engquist, Professor in Numerical Analysis, KTH and The University of Texas at Austin: Germund's alarm clock and multiscale ODE solvers
13.40-14.10 Åke Björck, Professor em. in Numerical Analysis, Linköping University: A band-Lanczos generalization of bidiagonal decomposition
14.10-14.40 Gustaf Söderlind, Professor in Numerical Anlysis, Lund University: Grid adaption, order selection, and complexity
14.40-15.00 Short break Coffee served outside the lecture hall.
15.00-15.30 Raul Tempone, Assistant professor, Florida State University: A stochastic collocation method for partial differential equations with random input data
15.30-16.15 Gene H. Golub, Professor in Computer Science, Stanford University: Arnoldi-type algorithms for computing stationary distribution vectors, with application to PageRank
16.15-16.35 Svante Littmarck, CEO Comsol Inc., Dr. H.C at KTH: The Multiphysics Mission
16.35- Announcements and closing: Ingrid Melinder, Dean of CSC, KTH

How to get there

A description of how to get to the KTH-campus is found here. On the map E-ljusgården is located in the "Main Building", Lindstedtsvägen 3 floor 3, and the lecture hall F3 is located in the F-building next to "Sing-Sing", Lindstedtsvägen 26.


The conference was arranged by the School of Computer Science and Communication (former Nada) at KTH on the initiative of Dean Ingrid Melinder.
Copyright © Sidansvarig: Linda Oppelstrup <>
Uppdaterad 2006-03-29