Skolan för
och datavetenskap
KTH / CSC / Aktuellt / Evenemang / Öppna Föreläsningar / Anna-Karin Tornberg

Öppna Föreläsningar
CSC - Forskning och framtid

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CSC - Datavetenskap och kommunikation inbjuder alla intresserade till en serie öppna föreläsningar, där unga forskare berättar om sina vetenskapsområden och tillämpningar.


Boundary Integral Methods for Multiphase Flow

Måndag 12 mars 15-16
i sal D3 Lindstedtsvägen 5

TeknD Anna-Karin Tornberg, Numerisk Analys

Systems with dynamic geometries present great challenges for computational methods. Examples of such problems include those with time-dependent boundaries that separate regions of different phases or different materials, such as immiscible multiphase fl ows and fl ows with immersed elastic or solid particles.
For problems where inertia is negligible, which is often the case for example for fl uid mechanics on a small scale - so called microfluidics, the Stokes partial differential equations governing the dynamics can be reformulated as boundary integral equations.
In this lecture, we discuss the concept of boundary integral equations, and some properties of numerical methods built upon these. Results are presented for fl ows with immersed solid and elastic particles and fi bers as well as for locomoting micro-organisms.

Föreläsningsposter 141 kb

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Uppdaterad 2007-03-08