Call for papers: Team meetings within clinical domains - exploring the use of routines and technical support for communication

OBS! We have extended the deadline until 20th of May!


Today, it is common that a team of doctors, from different disciplines, instead of one single doctor, care for a patient. This is especially true when it concerns more complicated diseases in highly specialised health care. Going from one doctor to a team of doctors raises new dimensions/problems/issues when deciding about the diagnosis and how to treat the patient. Instead of one person deciding, based on the information given from others, a group of people need to agree on a decision. How do the participants during such a decision meetings argue for their experience and skill? What kind of technologies are available and how do they support the communication in the meeting?

Target audience

We see that the target audience of the workshop is researchers focusing on, and practitioners working within, the health care sector, with experience from issues to be focused on in the workshop. We welcome contributions from both a technical and a social perspective, but the domain of work should be within health care.


The objective of the workshop is to gather people with an interest in different aspects on the meeting process in clinical domains. The organisers of the workshop are involved in a project working with technical support in the meeting process at a gastro clinic involved in specialised health care. The aim of the project is to explore the use of multi-modal technologies in advanced medical processes such as meetings where physicians from different disciplines meet to decide how to treat a patient.

One focus in our project is to find possibilities to provide as much relevant information as possible about each specific patient case discussed during the meeting. For example, if an identified tumour behaves in a specific way, then this together with the patientdual physicianswe want to focus on in this workshop. We want to invite other researchers and practitioners to share their research and experience from similar team meetings. We find it important to restrict the kind of meetings in focus during the workshop to the medical domain, since this domain is rather different from other kinds of domains.


The major focus on the workshop will be on team meetings in clinical domains, where several clinicians meet and discuss medical issues. Such meetings may take place both within the same premises and with participants from remote sites, and may include participants from one or several disciplines. The workshop will focus on the following suggested themes, all in relation to the communication process during team meetings:
  • multi-modal interfaces in technology used,
  • visualisation of information,
  • participants' interaction with information,
  • haptic interfaces in technology used,
  • mediated communication,
  • other technologies that can support the outcome of the meeting.


  • Position papers should be submitted at the latest 4th of May
  • Position papers submitted to the workshop should be four pages following the INTERACT template
  • Submissions should address the themes and topics of the workshop
  • All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least two senior researchers
  • All accepted submissions will be published on the workshop website
  • We especially welcome submissions from practitioners with experience from the topic addressed in the workshop
  • Submissions should be sent as PDF to Oscar Frykholm
  • At least one author of accepted papers needs to register for the workshop and for the conference itself.

Organisation and duration

The workshop will be held during two days. We believe that this is necessary to get a good insight into each participant's work and to get a deeper discussion on the workshop topics.

Before the workshop contributions will be collected and reviewed by the workshop organisers. The participants will be notified about acceptance by the date recommended by the conference. All individual contributions will be distributed before the workshop and all participants are asked to read the contributions before the workshop. The workshop organisers will communicate all necessary information to the conference.

The first day will focus on presentations of the participants' work based on the workshop contributions. The second day will focus on discussions on the suggested themes, which will be adjusted based on the contributions, and on producing a poster as well as ideas for other outcomes from the workshop.

Expected outcomes

Apart from the poster generated as an outcome of the conference, other expected outcomes of this workshop are three-folded:
  • to initiate a network within this area of research,
  • to get a broader perspective of the state of the art research within this area,
  • to initiate future collaborations, organise other workshops or research meetings with the aim of producing prototypes, test scenarios and/or publications.

Workshop organisers

The workshop is organised by participants from the Funk-IS project (Functionality enhancing technologies for built-in systems with application within advanced medical processes) at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) and KI (Karolinska Institutet):
  • Kristina Groth (PhD) with a background in computer science, human-computer interaction, workplace studies, computer supported cooperative work
  • Ann Lantz (PhD) with a background in psychology, human-computer interaction, field studies on mediated communication, the interaction design practice and procurement competence
  • Eva-Lotta Salläs (PhD)
  • Oscar Frykholm (PhD student) with a background in engineering physics, human-computer interaction, organization communication, web development
  • Anders Green (PhD student) with a background in computational linguistics, human-robot interaction, design and evaluation of multimodal natural language user interfaces.