School of
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science

Numerical Algebra, 9 hp

Aktuell/nästa kursomgång: numalg07.

This course consists of two parts:
  1.  Scientific Computation Computational Algebra (SCCA)  is given in September-October 2007 with Axel Ruhe as instructor. It is included in the International Masters program in Scientific Computation, but is open for anybody with a basic course in Numerical Analysis. It gives 3 hp. 
  2. Methods for Large Matrices, is given in October-December, but will not be given in 2007. Qualified students, e. g. those who have taken Applied Numerical Methods 2, 2D1250 may enter directly here. This is course 2D1253. It gives 6 hp. In 2008 the course will be given with Michael Hanke as instructor.
Copyright © Published by: Axel Ruhe <>
Updated 2007-08-22