School of
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science

Programming project on Basic Internet Programming, spring 2009

For the 4 academic points for the course section ÖVN you have to complete a programming project.
In the labs you have tested techniques for internet programming but in the project you are to make use of these techniques integrated into one application program
Form a group of 3 to 6 people and

  • Send me an e-mail with a project proposal (max 5 lines) and a list of the group members
  • The project must be an interactive www application. It is NOT enough with some simple HTML pages.
  • Server side programming (shopping baskets, booking systems, resource allocation) is required.
  • Use of JavaScript (e.g. client-side checking of user input, etc) is required.
  • Not much technical complexity, but a high editorial quality (good layout, including CSS), making the best of the Internet medium
  • Be prepared to reason about and argument for your solution

Published by: <>
Updated 2010-01-02