/** * The Postfix class implements an evaluator for integer postfix expressions. * * Postfix notation is a simple way to define and write arithmetic expressions * without the need for parentheses or priority rules. For example, the postfix * expression "1 2 - 3 4 + *" corresponds to the ordinary infix expression * "(1 - 2) * (3 + 4)". The expressions may contain decimal 32-bit integer * operands and the four operators +, -, *, and /. Operators and operands must * be separated by whitespace. * * @author NN // TODO * @version 2013-02-01 */ public class Postfix { /** * Evaluates the given postfix expression. * * @param expr Arithmetic expression in postfix notation * @return The value of the evaluated expression * @throws A subclass of RuntimeException if the expression is wrong */ public static int evaluate(String expr) throws RuntimeException { // TODO return 0; } /** * Returns true if s is an operator. * An operator is one of '+', '-', '*', '/'. */ private static boolean isOperator(String s) { // TODO return false; } /** * Returns true if s is an integer. * * We accept two types of integers: * * - the first type consists of an optional '-' * followed by a non-zero digit * followed by zero or more digits, * * - the second type consists of an optional '-' * followed by a single '0'. */ private static boolean isInteger(String s) { // TODO return false; } /** * Unit test. Run with "java -ea Postfix". */ public static void main(String[] args) { assert evaluate("0") == 0; assert evaluate("-0") == -0; assert evaluate("1234567890") == 1234567890; assert evaluate("-1234567890") == -1234567890; assert evaluate("1 23 +") == 1 + 23; assert evaluate("0 1 /") == 0 / 1; assert evaluate("1 2 + -3 *") == (1 + 2) * -3; assert evaluate("12 34 - 56 -78 + *") == (12 - 34) * (56 + -78); assert evaluate("1 2 + 3 * 4 - 5 /") == (((1 + 2) * 3) - 4) / 5; assert evaluate("2 3 4 -0 + - *") == 2 * (3 - (4 + -0)); assert evaluate(" 1 -2 + ") == 1 - 2; // tabs and spaces assert explodes(""); assert explodes("+"); assert explodes("--1"); assert explodes("-1-0"); assert explodes("-0-1"); assert explodes("1 +"); assert explodes("1 2 ,"); assert explodes("1 2 ."); assert explodes("1 2 3 +"); assert evaluate("4") == 4; assert explodes("1 2 + +"); assert explodes("017"); assert explodes("0x17"); assert explodes("-03"); assert explodes("x"); assert explodes("1234L"); assert explodes("9876543210"); // larger than maxint assert explodes("1 0 /"); assert explodes("1 2+"); assert explodes("1 2 3 +*"); } /** * Returns true if evaluate(expr) throws * a subclass of RuntimeException. */ private static boolean explodes(String expr) { try { evaluate(expr); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return true; } return false; } }