2D1363, Mjukvarukonstruktion, 8 poäng

Aktuell kursomgång: period 2-4 06/07

Kursledare: Rand Waltzman
Datorpostadress(er): rand@nada.kth.se


Homework 9:  Due 28/2/2007

See Homework page for general information. 

This homework assignment is a project group effort.  You will hand in one assignment for the group.  When you submit your work, be sure to use the following e-mail header:

            2D1363 Group ‘X’ Homework 9

Turn in the revised version of your RD.  This revision should take into account (1) our (Rand or Inge as the case may be) evaluation of your RD, (2) the student evaluation of your RD, and (3) your current understanding of your project.


^Upp till Nadas kurser.

Sidansvarig: <rand@nada.kth.se>
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