Abstract - GPGPU

To utilize the GPU instead of the CPU

Jimmy Larsson
Oskar Bodemyr

The following report has been written by Jimmy Larsson and Oskar Bodemyr as a bachelor's thesis in order to reach a bachelor's degree in the subject of Computer Engineering. At the time of writing this report, the most common compute device is the CPU. This report looks at the possible usages of GPGPU and how one might instead use the GPU for General Purpose Computations. The main question that the report will face is the following:
Is it possible, using a non-trivial parallel algorithm, to show that a GPU is better suited to perform certain calculations than a CPU?
The implementation of two test algorithms in order to study the basic functions of GPGPU, followed by an implementation of a matrix- multiplier provided data supporting the question of the report. The data itself proves that certain algorithms such as the matrix-multiplier of large amounts of data might take about 30 seconds to calculate on a CPU, while the same calculations can be done on a GPU in less than half a second.