DD2452 Formal Methods

Course Evaluation VT09

In the questions below, please use the following numeric evaluation scheme:
      6 very good, 5 good, 4 rather good, 3 rather bad, 2 bad, 1 very bad
You are welcome to provide textual comments as well.

Intended Learning Outcomes
How clear were the course goals made at the beginning of the course? (  )

How adequate were the learning activities for the goals? (  )
How well did the home exercises fit the material covered in the lectures? (  )

How useful did you find peer reviewing with the help of projected solutions? (  )

How well did the laboratory assignments fit the material covered in the lectures? (  )

How clear was it made how learning will be evaluated? (  )

In overall, how meaningful do you consider the course? (  )

Course Material
How would you rate the course book? (  )
How useful and convenient did you find the course web pages? (  )

Open Qualitative Questions
Did you have the prerequisite knowledge for the course?

Your suggestions for improving the course:

Other comments: