Skolan för
och datavetenskap



The ninth set of homework problems is now released.


The sixth set of homework problems is now released.


The fourth set of homework problems is now released.


During the problem session today it is useful to be able to see what problems other groups have solved, in order to find the easy problems (and maybe avoid the hard ones). There is a link to a result board for the problem session at the Kattis page for the course.

General advice for the problem session:

  • Try to find the easy problems! Read all the problems -- don't start coding just because you find a problem that you think you know how to solve, there may be an even easier problem to start with. Keep track of the result board of what others have solved.
  • Having one completely solved problem when the time is up is better than having several half-finished ones. Try to plan accordingly -- initially it can be useful to work on several problems in parallel, but towards the end, focus on one problem at a time.

Rules for the problem session:

  • You may only use a SINGLE computer per group for coding, but it can be your own laptop if you prefer it over the stationary computers.
  • You may use a second computer for reading problem statements and looking at the result board, and ONLY for these two purposes.
  • You may use prewritten code that you wrote yourselves, e.g., lab solutions.
  • You may look up algorithms on wikipedia or similarly, but you may not use code/solutions.
  • Try to keep noise levels down -- keep in mind that this is an exam.


The third set of homework problems is now released.


The second set of homework problems is now released.


New language in Kattis: Kattis now supports Ruby, in case any of you would like to use that.


The test data for Ljutnja included some invalid cases where the answer exceeded 264. These have been removed and the old submissions have been rejudged, so some of your old attempts have now changed from Wrong Answer to Accepted (and this counts as you having solved the problem). Thanks to Johan Kvastad for discovering this!


Apologies for the mix of English and Swedish on the course pages, the pages are (slowly) being translated from Swedish to English.


These pages are still under revision, some of the information are obsolete leftovers from the previous round of the course.

If you are taking the course and are not Swedish speaking, please send an e-mail to inform Per of this as soon as possible. (The earlier, the more material will be available in English.)

Copyright © Sidansvarig: Per Austrin <>
Uppdaterad 2015-11-18