"""This module is a simple implementation of a general FEM assembly algorithm for educational purposes. The implementation is partially based on Puffin.""" __author__ = "Johan Jansson (jjan@csc.kth.se)" __date__ = "2009-10-05" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2009 Johan Jansson" __license__ = "GNU LGPL Version 2.1" from dolfin import * from numpy import * from math import * def myassemble(mesh): # Define basis functions and their gradients on the reference elements. def phi0(x): return 1.0 - x[0] - x[1] def phi1(x): return x[0] def phi2(x): return x[1] def f(x): return 1.0 phi = [phi0, phi1, phi2] dphi = array([[-1.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]) # Define quadrature points midpoints = array([[0.5, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5]]) N = mesh.num_vertices() A = Matrix(N, N) A.apply() b = Vector(N) b.apply() coord = zeros([3, 2]) nodes = zeros(3) # Iterate over all cells, adding integral contribution to matrix/vector for c in cells(mesh): # Extract node numbers and vertex coordinates nodes = c.entities(0).astype('int') for i in range(0, 3): v = Vertex(mesh, int(nodes[i])) for j in range(0, 2): coord[i][j] = v.point()[j] # Compute Jacobian of map and area of cell J = outer(coord[0, :], dphi[0]) + \ outer(coord[1, :], dphi[1]) + \ outer(coord[2, :], dphi[2]) dx = 0.5 * abs(linalg.det(J)) # Iterate over quadrature points for p in midpoints: # Map p to physical cell x = coord[0, :] * phi[0](p) + \ coord[1, :] * phi[1](p) + \ coord[2, :] * phi[2](p) # Iterate over test functions for i in range(0, 3): v = phi[i](p) dv = linalg.solve(J.transpose(), dphi[i]) # Assemble vector (linear form) integral = f(x)*v*dx / 3.0 b[nodes[i]] += integral # Iterate over trial functions for j in range(0, 3): u = phi[j](p) du = linalg.solve(J.transpose(), dphi[j]) # Assemble matrix (bilinear form) integral = (inner(du, dv)) * dx / 3.0 A[nodes[i], nodes[j]] += integral A.apply() b.apply() print A.array() print b.array() return (A, b) def solve(mesh): (A, b) = myassemble(mesh) # Apply BC weakly by adding contribution computed with DOLFIN class Kappa(Expression): def eval(self, values, x): values[0] = 1.0e3 if(x[0] < 1.0e-5): values[0] = 0.0 V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1) u = TrialFunction(V) v = TestFunction(V) kappa = Kappa(V) a = kappa*u*v*ds A2 = assemble(a) Atot = A + A2 # Construct U function V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) U = Function(V) xi = U.vector() # Solve for xi solver = LinearSolver() solver.solve(Atot, xi, b) return U