Anders Lundström

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My research interests reside in interaction design and concerns the process of designing and crafting interactive materials, where we often deal with abstract, intangible and mysterios materials like energy, derivatives of energy and information technology.

My focus is researching better ways to design interfaces for interacting with energy using digital information in the electric vehicle (EV) domain, where energy management is essential to avoid so called range anxiety. Range anxiety is a phonemenon that can occour while driving, or prior to driving, as EV drivers might worry that availible energy in the battery is not enough to reach a destination of choice. In this domain it is important to provide the driver with active tools for sense-making, so that the user can avoid undesired situations. I.e if the driver uses too much energy at a particular moment by driving to fast or aggresive, the driver endangers later planed activities as it simply might not be enough energy left in the battery. On a philosophical level, I believe that these problems occour because the driver have problems to fully embody the vehicle and understand its properties and functions, in a similar way that people tend to know when they need to eat to avoid problems, since they know their own bodies.

I research this topic by looking at how more experienced EV drivers deal with this problem through so called "coping strategies", and then use their strategies as a input to design interactive products and services that in itself could be used as probes or interventions to further understand how they could be utilized for less experienced drivers. In this sense, my work aims to reduce the gap between the experienced and the unexperienced EV driver. It is also important to research the transfer qualities of these strategies to other domain, i.e. home energy management.

Another important aspects to consider in this domain is how the home might affects energy in the EV through the emerging so called smart-grid. This is since the energy stored in the battery of the EV in the smart-grid could be a used as a resources in the home to even out current peaks and pollution in the electrical grid. However, this is a secondary use of the EV and it is important to design the system so that the driver can protect the EVs primary use, in other words, transportation.

I work design-oriented with sketching and prototyping as a central part of the research process, I also use information visualisation techniques as a tool for material investigations and design. Additionally, I have special interests in Sustainability, Embodiement, Phenomenology, Design Theory, Methods, Haptics and Music.

© 2012 Anders Lundström