Lookaside Load Balancing in a Service Mesh Environment

By: Erik Johansson


As more online services are migrated from monolithic systems into decoupled distributed micro services, the need for efficient internal load balancing solutions increases. Today, there exists two main approaches for load balancing internal traffic between micro services. One approach uses either a central or sidecar proxy to load balance queries over all available server endpoints. The other approach lets client themselves decide which of all available endpoints to send queries to.

This study investigates a new approach called lookaside load balancing. This approach consists of a load balancer that uses the control plane to gather a list of service endpoints and their current load. The load balancer can then dynamically provide clients with a subset of suitable endpoints they connect to directly. The endpoint distribution is controlled by a lookaside load balancing algorithm. This study presents such an algorithm that works by changing the endpoint assignment in order to keep current load between an upper and lower bound.

In order to compare each load balancing approach, a test environment in Kubernetes is constructed and modeled to be similar to a real service mesh. With this test environment, we perform four experiments. The first experiment aims at finding suitable settings for the lookaside load balancing algorithm as well as a baseline load configuration for clients and servers. The second experiments evaluates the underlying network infrastructure to test for possible bias in latency measurements. The final two experiments evaluate each load balancing approach in both high and low load scenarios. Results show that lookaside load balancing can achieve similar performance as client-side load balancing in terms of latency and load distribution, but with a smaller CPU and memory footprint. When load is high and uneven, or when compute resource usage should be minimized, the centralized proxy approach is better. With regards to traffic flow control and failure resilience, we can show that lookaside load balancing is better than client-side load balancing. We draw the conclusion that lookaside load balancing can be an alternative approach to client-side load balancing as well as proxy load balancing for some scenarios.

Keywords: load balancing, lookaside load balancing, external load balancing, service mesh, kubernetes, envoy, grpc