Presenter: Yang Zhou
Programs: TCSCM, CSVG Course: DA231X
Supervisor: Cyrille Artho
Examiner: Elena Troubitsyna

English Title: Execution Trace Visualization for Java Pathfinder using Trace Compass

Abstract: Multi-threading is commonly applied in modern computer programs, bringing many conveniences but also causing concurrency issues. Among the various error debugging tools, Java Pathfinder (JPF) can detect latent errors of multi-threaded Java programs through model checking. However, the text-based format of the counterexample trace is hard to read, and previous attempts in visualizing JPF traces show limitations. For long-term development, popular trace analytic platform such as Trace Compass (TC) is extended to adapt to JPF traces. In this thesis, the development of JPF and TC makes it possible to analyze JPF traces on TC with a user interface including visual diagrams. The development solves the conceptual differences between the tools and successfully visualize important trace data. The implementation can help provide a generic approach for analyzing JPF traces with visualization.