School of
Computer Science
and Communication

Christian Smith

Assistant Professor in Computer Science

Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Address:Christian Smith
Centre for Autonomous Systems (CAS)
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)
Teknikringen 14, plan 6
for mail use:SE - 100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN
for ship use:SE - 114 28 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Phone:++46 (0) 8 790 6728
Fax:++46 (0) 8 723 0302

About me

Since 2014, I am an assistant professor in Computer Science, specialized in domestic robotics in general, and human-robot interaction in particular. My work so far has covered robot control, design, and teleoperation, human tracking and motion modelling, reinforcement learning, and both physical and social aspects of HRI. I tend to be a bit of an experimentalist, and do a lot of hands-on real-world implementations.

Research Interests

Robot design, dual arm manipulation, mobile manipulation, control, human-robot interaction, teleoperation, user interfaces
Published by: Christian Smith <>
Updated 2011-05-20