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Alma Elisabet Andersson (#13) 1929

Here is an old letter from Alma (#13) to young Harry (#162), then aged fourteen. Starring is Alice (#133), Eric (#161) and his celibrated Banjo (now in care of Lasse (#1612)). Eugene (#131), Evan (#132), Alfrid (#133A) and aunt Frida (#18) are also mentioned. The letter ends in Swedish, "for all to read".
/Lennart (#1622)

January 25 -1929
My dear Harry -

no doubt you will be surprised to get a letter from me, but you see I am here all by myself this afternoon. its rather cold outside, and the house is so nice and warm, so its nice to be home. I have heard a lot about you lately, so feel like I know you real well. Erik tells me that you are a very nice boy. he said you are all together different from him, what he ment by that I dont know, but I suppose he ment that your ideas were different from his -

the mail man was just here. I had a letter from aunt Pheobe in Minnesota. they were here with us over Christmas, so Erik met his three cousins and he allso brought the neck of the Banjo. the other part came last week, allso package with clothes. I paid 5 cent for each package but what came to day I paid 55 cent, so you see that was cheap, I was realy surprised that it came through without anymore duty. this package had been opend, and inspected but dont think the other two had.

Vi had a regular vinter since new year. its very Icey out and hard walking, Erik came over last tuesday eve a while, and he said he fell a couple of times. he asked me to call him over the Phone as soon as the rest of the Banjo came, so Ill call him when he gets home from work, so I expeckt he will come over to night.

I rote your father a letter a short time ago so they know that Erik has moved, he has a room with a very nice family. and I know its so much better for him, I told him to come to us anytime he wanted to, and I am doing his washing and ironing for him. he has good work and he earns good money, so tell your Mamma and Pappa not worry about him, for he is just fine -

I had a letter from Aunt Frida last week so Ill have to write to her- Alice injoyd the letter you rote her and allso the music she playd it last tuesday when Erik was here, and Erik sang, you see Alice is not much of a swede. when Erik talks to her and uses big words. so she cant understand. then she gets mad at him, and Erik ha ha's at her, she told him one time that she was going to send him back to sweden, and send for Harry. she thought you would be much better to her, then Erik laughd -

I got the radio tuned in and listening to a man singing its very pretty, its Alfrids radio a nine tub set so wi get anything - this program is coming from Chicago -

Its allmost time for Alice and Alfrid to come for supper they come at half past six, and than Alfrid has to be back and play till 10 o clock -

Evan is in California he may be home this spring. and Eugene is not so far away, he was home Christmas and comes to me over sundays when he can-

Love to you all.

Aunt Alma-

Lördagqväll Jan 26 1929
Dear folks-

Jag skrev till Harry i går men har ej skickat av det än, så tänkte jag kunde skriva några rader till som ni alla kan läsa -

Jag har just varit ute å gort några upköp till Söndag, det är en härlig vinter qväll, men så mycket is på gatorna man kan knappast stå på fötterna -

Erik var hos oss i går qväll så han skruvade ihop sin Banjo å spelade några toner men han sade att han glömt bort vad han kunde. han arbetar övertid, så han har ej mycke tid på qvällarna, han kommer även i morgon för middag -

jag har inga nyheter att omtala vi mår alla godt, jag glömde vist att tacka Gurli å dej för inbjudningen att komma för visit, Jag tycker inte värst mycke om att gå över den stora oseanen, men det är som Erik säger "Ja vi får väl se" -

Varmaste hälsningar medföljer till er alla från oss här-

vängligen Alma

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