ver. 20031107 -> 20031109 "Malmo" Fixed board rotating bug that didnt rotate for move generation. ver. 20031104 -> 20031107 board rotating, given (hardcoded) board id. Now does not add new games, instead make sure that games you want live has dgt_board set. ver. 20031031 -> 20031104 Tomas added clock support. Tested the new fenhax with board and corrected some bugs. Smoothmove is set aside. Newer php side on its way. Release "Malmo" will be released soon. ver. 20031020 -> 20031031 Complete rewritten fenhax (the move generation part). It will now work quite well and won't make the software crash. Corrected php/create_database.sql ver. 20030802 -> 20031020 Quite rewritten to work in bus mode (tested with 5 boards connected to one com-port). The database part (ttsql) is rewritten, and the php-projekt qute rewritten too. ver. 20030801 -> 20030802 Fixed bugs so it will work. May crash (FenHax needs help) ver. 20030316 -> 20030801 Now it should update my test-sql database on Internet new file: handle the mysql-connection new file: turns snapshots into a movelist at update_html(), send sql-queries instead connects/disconnects from sql-server now ver. 20030303 -> 20030316 NOW WORKS IN LINUX! (see linux.txt) append() now checks that requested add of snapshot differs from last in history takes optionally a comport device as argument, deafult is "COM1" moved all images to /images