Software Requirements Document

Issue: Draft Rev. 0- Last modified: 21 April, 1997

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Document Status Sheet

Document Change Record

1. Introduction

2. General Description

3. Specific Requirements

4. Requirements Traceability Matrix

Document Status Sheet

Document Status Sheet
1. Document Title: CMMS Upgrade
2. Document Reference Number: CMMS-SRD
3. Issue 4. Revision 5. Date 6. Reason for change



21 April 1997
First Draft

Document Change Record

Document Change Record Dcr No



Approved By

Pedro Martel
1. Document Title: CMMS Upgrade
2. Document Reference Number: CMMS-SRD
3. Document Issue/Revision Number: Draft/1
4. Page 5. Paragraph 6. Reason For Change

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose Of The Document

The purpose of this document is to define the Software Requirements for the CMMS Upgrade project. It describes the functions that must be carried out by the CMMS.

1.2 Scope Of The Software

The main aim of a CMMS is to assist in the planning, management and administrative procedures required for effective maintenance.

A new system should replace the current CMMS package, RAPIER.

The baseline product (to be tested by pilot project) should be in production in a time scale of 9 months.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms And Abbreviations

1.3.1 Definitions

Access State a value reflecting the accessibility of an equipment.

Action Codes used to signal actions done in a condensed way.

Activity a routine or job's single task including instruction and/or part lists executed by a specific human resource.

Asset a piece of equipment to be maintained.

Category a sub-division of a class.

Class a group of objects that are related, but not dependent on each other.

Contract an external enterprise commercial supply of parts and/or work.

Corrective Maintenance maintenance work needed for the correction of a malfunction.

Division, group, section and unit CERN's internal organisation structure.

Fixed Preventive Maintenance preventive maintenance with next scheduled date depending on last planned date.

Functional Position a functional position allows the definition of an asset in terms of the task it carries out.

Job work on a given asset, at a given time on a specific location.

Maintenance Responsibility Centre a organisational unit responsible for equipment maintenance.

Nested Routines a set of routines with one including the other.

Object an object of maintenance may be an asset, a system or a category.

Operational State a value reflecting the condition of an equipment.

Overridden Maintenance work that is not done on an equipment, due to the overlapping of planned jobs with the same purpose.

Picking List parts required to undertake an activity.

Predictive Maintenance maintenance work called for by the results of sensor measurements or specific equipment operating characteristics which indicate possible failures.

Preventive Maintenance rigidly scheduled pre-defined sets of maintenance tasks performed to counteract known sources of potential equipment failure.

Request Codes used to signal occurred events in a condensed way.

Rapier current CERN's CMMS; a product from SQL Systems.

Routine preventive maintenance work order. It includes lists of activities and objects to maintain under it.

System a gathering reflecting logical rather than physical relationships among assets.

Task each component of an activity; it may comprehend a list of instructions and/or parts .

Type a non-maintenance related category.

Variable Preventive Maintenance preventive maintenance with next scheduled date depending on last completion date.

Work Order a statement of required maintenance work on a specific piece of equipment.

Work Order Backlog a list of not completed work.

Work Order Status a value reflecting the state of the work order, e.g. accepted, refused, closed, etc.

1.3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

AD Architectural Design; one of ESA PSS-05 software lifecycle phases

CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics

CHF Swiss Franc

CMMS Computerised Maintenance Management System

DB Database

DBU Database User

DD Detailed Design and Production; one of ESA PSS-05 software lifecycle phases

EDH Electronic Document Handling

ESA European Space Agency

EUCLID CAD/CAM/CAE System (Matra Datavision)

MRC Maintenance Responsibility Centre

MS Windows Microsoft Windows Graphical User Interface

PM Preventive Maintenance

RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System

SR Software Requirements; one of ESA PSS-05 software lifecycle phases

SRD Software Requirements Documents

TBC To Be Confirmed

TCR Technical Control Room

URD User Requirements Documents

WWW World Wide Web

X-Windows X11 Graphical User Interface

1.4 References

Two classes of references are detailed in this document:

1.4.1 Applicable documents

Software Engineering Standards, ESA Board for Software Standardisation and Control,1994

CMMS Upgrade User Requirements Document, P. Martel, M. Symonds, 1996

1.4.2 Reference documents

ESA PSS-05-02 Issue 1, Guide to the User Requirements Definition Phase, October 1991

Software Engineering Guides, C.Mazza, J. Fairclough - Prentice-Hall, 1996

1.5 Overview Of The Document

Following the ESA guidelines [R1] [A1] the document structure is:

Chapter 2 describes the general factors that affect the product and its requirements. It does not state specific requirements; it only makes those requirements easy to understand.

Chapter 3 describes each of the user requirements following the ESA PSS-05 guidelines [R1].

The user requirements will be placed in a tabular format with the following attributes:

1. Identifier - This identifier is listed in the format:

<Functional Group>-<Requirement Number>

where the functional groups are as follows:

FR Functional Requirements

PR Performance Requirements

IR Interface Requirements

OR Operational Requirements

RR Resource Requirements

VR Verification Requirements

ATR Acceptance Testing Requirements

DR Documentation Requirements

SR Security Requirements.

POR Portability Requirements

QR Quality Requirements

RLR Reliability Requirements

MR Maintainability Requirements

SFR Safety Requirements

An example of FR-002 would mean that the requirement is an functional requirement and its number is two.

2. Description - This is a natural language statement of the requirement. It is intended that all such requirements are clear and verifiable.

3. Source - Identifies the origin of the requirement. In most cases this is a user requirement from the URD [A2].

Abbreviations used here are:

PJM - Pedro Martel

STD - Standard Requirement

4. Need - This shows whether the requirement is ESSential or DESirable. Essential requirements are those that are non-negotiable, others may be less vitally important and subject to negotiation.

5. Rank - For incremental delivery, each user requirement shall include a measure of priority so that the developer can decide a production schedule.

6. Stability - Some user requirements may be known to be stable over the expected life of the software others may be more dependant on feedback from the SR, AD and DD phases, or may be subject to change during the software life cycle. Such unstable requirements should be flagged. To Be Confirmed (TBC) will be used to indicate unstable requirements.

Chapter 4 contains a table summarising how each user requirement is met in the SRD.

2. General Description

2.1 Relation to Current Projects

There are no current projects with relevant significance to the CMMS Upgrade.

2.2 Relation to Predecessor and Successor Projects

The only predecessor project that has any bearing on the CMMS Upgrade is the current Maintenance Management Tool - RAPIER, that will be replaced by the new system. There are no know successor projects.

2.3 Function and Purpose

The system will provide a set of tools covering the following funcionalities:

2.4 Environmental Considerations

The environmental considerations relating to the CMMS are as follows:

2.4.1 Users of the system


a. Technicians Users who perform the maintenance work. Their interaction with the system includes the closing of a work order when the job is complete, quantity of parts used, the registry of meters' values, etc.

b. Store clerks Responsible for the maintenance of stock levels in accordance with current and future needs.

Each operator falls in to a different category which are as follows:

TCR Operators

TCR Operators trigger and follow-up corrective work orders on malfunctioning equipment. They are the interface between people and corrective maintenance work.


Responsible for the planning of work, acceptation of work done, budget planning, etc.


Administrators will be responsible for the operation of the system, from installation and customisation to problem reporting.

2.4.2 Environment on the server system

The CMMS server system will reside at CERN, in an ORACLE database server.

2.4.3 Environment on the client system

The CMMS clients will be of 3 types:

2.5 Relation to Other Systems

The other systems that the CMMS is related to are as follows:

The CMMS will interface with ORACLE Reference databases. These will be databases such as the one holding people and location's data.

The CMMS will interface with EDH for purchase orders processing purposes.

Certain job cards are printed in locations remote to the users they are intended for. The system shall be able to generate an e-mail message warning those users.

Some external contractors do not have access to a computer network and thus, may not receive the job cards via a printer. In this case a fax message with the job card shall be sent to the enterprise.

2.6 General Constraints

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
FR-001 It shall be possible to create objects. UR-EQP-001 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-002 It shall be possible to modify objects' definitions. UR-EQP-002 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-003 The CMMS shall allow the deletion of an object only and only if it does not belong to a system, does not have children objects, does not have historical records concerning stores or events and does not have financial data associated. UR-EQP-003






FR-004 The CMMS shall maintain information on objects' technical parameters. UR-EQP-004 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-005 It shall be possible to create systems as logical gatherings of assets and/or other systems. UR-EQP-006 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-006 The CMMS shall allow the creation of classes as objects with a set of technical parameters. UR-EQP-007


FR-007 The CMMS shall allow the creation of categories as sub-classes. UR-EQP-008


FR-008 The CMMS shall allow the creation of types as non-maintenance-related categories. UR-EQP-011 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-009 The CMMS shall force an object to belong to a class. UR-EQP-048 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-010 It shall be possible to make an asset belong to one of its class' categories and one of its class types. UR-EQP-009


FR-011 The CMMS shall allow the definition of at least 3-level parent-child relationships among assets. UR-EQP-010A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-012 The CMMS shall allow the definition of at least 3-level parent-child relationships among systems. UR-EQP-010B ESS 1 STABLE
FR-013 It shall be possible to define an alternative code for an asset. UR-EQP-014 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-014 It shall be possible to define a manufacturer and a serial number for each object. UR-EQP-015 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-015 It shall be possible to define a division/group/section/unit owner combination for each object. UR-EQP-016 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-016 It shall be possible to define a MRC for each asset and system. UR-EQP-017 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-017 It shall be possible to define a person responsible (holder) for each object. UR-EQP-018 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-018 It shall be possible to define access and operational states for each object. UR-EQP-019


FR-019 It shall be possible to define an installation and a deactivation date for each object. UR-EQP-021


FR-020 The CMMS shall allow the definition of supplemental details for each category. UR-EQP-024 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-021 It shall be possible to define default values for the technical parameters of each category and type. UR-EQP-025A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-022 It shall be possible to modify the values given automatically at category or type-level for the technical parameters of an asset. UR-EQP-026 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-023 If an asset is created within category and type both with defined default values for technical parameters, the type ones will be taken as the default. UR-EQP-025B ESS 1 TBC
FR-024 It shall be possible to add (to those defined at category and/or type level) supplemental details at asset and system level. UR-EQP-027A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-025 The system shall pass along to an asset its category and type supplemental details. UR-EQP-027B ESS 1 STABLE
FR-026 The CMMS shall be able to maintain information on asset and system's level, cumulative and percentage meters. UR-EQP-028



FR-027 The CMMS shall allow the definition of a 3-level hierarchy for locations. UR-EQP-031 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-028 It shall be possible to define a location for each asset and system. UR-EQP-033


FR-029 The CMMS shall allow the relocation of assets and systems without loosing data coherency, namely the one related to scheduled work. UR-EQP-035A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-030 The CMMS shall allow the modification of object's parameters, maintaining data coherency. UR-EQP-035B ESS 1 STABLE
FR-031 It shall be possible to choose whether an asset moves along with its parent asset or not. UR-EQP-036 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-032 The system shall be able to manage the maintenance of the locations themselves. UR-EQP-038 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-033 The CMMS shall allow the definition of functional positions. UR-EQP-039 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-034 The CMMS shall allow the replacement of a defective asset on a functional position by another one with the same characteristics. UR-EQP-040 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-035 It shall be possible to signal objects upon which category and system-level maintenance is not to be performed. UR-EQP-041 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-036 The CMMS shall keep record of equipment down times. UR-EQP-043 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-037 The CMMS shall record overridden maintenance on objects' history. UR-EQP-045 DES 2 STABLE
FR-038 The system shall keep full historical records of all objects, including parts used in their maintenance. UR-EQP-046 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-039 The system shall be able to deal with multiple external contracts. UR-FIN-001 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-040 The system shall be able to manage contracts covering items or services supplied on an as-needed basis. UR-FIN-002 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-041 The CMMS shall be able to develop cost and budget estimations. UR-FIN-004 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-042 The system shall produce financial reports. UR-FIN-005 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-043 The system shall maintain prices in CHF as well as in their original currency. UR-FIN-007


FR-044 The system shall maintain exchange rates for CHF with other currencies. UR-FIN-006 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-045 The system shall be able to produce cumulative cost reports for objects. UR-FIN-003


FR-046 The system shall be able to produce cumulative cost reports for MRCs. UR-FIN-010 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-047 The CMMS shall be able to work with several stores. UR-STR-001 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-048 The system shall keep records on maintenance parts and other materials. UR-STR-003 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-049 It shall be possible to define an asset as a numbered part. UR-STR-005A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-050 The CMMS shall automatically create an asset when the creation of an numbered part takes place. UR-STR-005B ESS 1 STABLE
FR-051 The system shall keep information about quantities of parts (stock levels) in stores. UR-STR-006 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-052 The system shall keep information about different suppliers, references, prices, countries of origin and currency for the same part. UR-STR-007 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-053 It shall be possible to classify parts in a 4 level hierarchy. PJM ESS 1 TBC
FR-054 The system shall maintain information about relevant stock levels for a part (e.g. maximum, minimum and re-stock). UR-STR-008 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-055 The CMMS shall allow the definition of parts with null stored quantities. UR-STR-009 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-056 It shall be possible to record the location of a part inside a store. UR-STR-010 DES 2 TBC
FR-057 It shall be possible to transfer parts between stores. UR-STR-011 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-058 The CMMS shall be able to deal with repaired parts and their price. UR-STR-012


FR-059 The CMMS shall deal with the receiving and delivering of parts in/from stores. UR-STR-013 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-060 It shall be possible to deliver parts from a store without a picking list. UR-STR-014 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-061 The CMMS shall indicate what parts should be ordered (due to the stock levels or future needs) and be able to automatically generate the respective purchase orders. UR-STR-015


FR-062 It shall be possible to manually generate purchase orders. UR-STR-017 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-063 It shall be possible to follow the progress/status of a purchase order. UR-STR-018 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-064 The CMMS shall allow the reception of a single purchase order in multiple partial deliveries. UR-STR-019 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-065 The CMMS shall be able to replace a non-existent part by some suitable other(s). UR-STR-021 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-066 The CMMS shall automatically maintain stores inventory updated. UR-STR-022 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-067 It shall be possible to define system users. UR-UAR-001 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-068 The CMMS shall allow the definition of groups of users with specific rights and restrictions. UR-UAR-002 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-069 The system shall allow the search of the parts database using technical specifications as the criteria for the selection. UR-UAR-009 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-070 The system shall allow the search of the assets and systems database using technical parameters as the criteria for the selection. UR-UAR-013 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-071 The system shall produce lists with the total number of interventions on objects. UR-UAR-014 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-072 The CMMS shall allow the printing of bar code labels in a quantity different from that of the received parts. UR-UAR-024 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-073 It shall be possible to plan fixed preventive maintenance work on objects. UR-WRK-001A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-074 It shall be possible to plan variable preventive maintenance work on objects. UR-WRK-001B ESS 1 STABLE
FR-075 The system shall produce work orders for corrective maintenance on objects. UR-WRK-002 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-076 The system shall produce work orders for isolated non-corrective work on objects. UR-WRK-003 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-077 It shall be possible to plan predictive maintenance work on objects. UR-WRK-004 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-078 The CMMS shall allow the definition of routines as tasks performed at a given (fixed or variable) frequency. UR-WRK-005 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-079 The CMMS shall allow the definition of jobs as the execution of a given routine, in a given object at a given location at a given time. UR-WRK-006 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-080 It shall be possible to define one activity as a routine's single task performed by a specific human resource. UR-WRK-007 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-081 The system shall keep a list of activities for each routine. UR-WRK-008 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-082 The system shall keep a list of instructions for each activity. UR-WRK-009 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-083 The system shall keep a list of needed and conditional parts for each routine. UR-WRK-010


FR-084 The CMMS shall keep records on personnel skills and training for job assignment purposes. UR-WRK-013 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-085 It shall be possible to describe the parts, specific job steps, required personnel skills, estimated times and tools needed to complete a work order. UR-WRK-011 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-086 The system shall allow the definition of request codes for demanded interventions. UR-WRK-014 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-087 The system shall allow the definition of action codes for work to be done. UR-WRK-015 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-088 The system shall allow the assignment of priority degrees to work orders. UR-WRK-016 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-089 It shall be possible to print a work order. UR-WRK-063 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-090 The system shall provide several PM scheduling basis (e.g. time, km, units). UR-WRK-017 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-091 The CMMS shall help the spreading of planned work over a period. UR-WRK-018 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-092 It shall be possible to print the instructions, parts (including the conditional ones) and tools list for a job on its card. UR-WRK-021




FR-093 The CMMS shall handle the scheduled jobs that are on hold due to unavailability of parts, and estimate new dates for them. UR-WRK-025


FR-094 The system shall allow the definition of nested routines. UR-WRK-027A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-095 The system shall allow the definition of override conditions for nested routines, based on time and/or counter measurements. UR-WRK-027B ESS 1 STABLE
FR-096 The system shall allow the definition of override conditions for nested routines, based on object relationships. UR-WRK-028 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-097 The system shall override planned maintenance on an out-of-service object. UR-WRK-029 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-098 The CMMS shall re-plan preventive maintenance on a repaired object, according to its "back-to-service" date. UR-WRK-030 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-099 It shall be possible to define relationships among work orders. UR-WRK-032 ESS 2 STABLE
FR-100 It shall be possible to produce rather one job card for each MRC, or a global job card for all the MRCs involved in a job. UR-WRK-033


FR-101 It shall be possible to close a work order once the job is done modifying the parts' quantities actually used and time spent, if needed. UR-WRK-035 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-102 It shall be possible to create a new "open" work order copying a "closed" one. UR-WRK-036A ESS 1 STABLE
FR-103 The CMMS shall be able to supply a list of planned work for a specific object. UR-WRK-037 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-104 The CMMS shall maintain an updated work order backlog, searchable using "creator" as criteria. UR-WRK-038



FR-105 It shall be possible to access a work order's status. UR-WRK-040 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-106 The CMMS shall notify MRC responsibles for work done during non-working hours. UR-WRK-042 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-107 The system shall automatically generate the stores picking lists for a job, and issue them to the store clerk before the start date for that job. UR-WRK-043


FR-108 The system shall check beforehand the availability of parts needed to perform a certain job. UR-WRK-044 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-109 The CMMS shall allow the reservation of parts in stores for a specific planned job. UR-WRK-046 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-110 The system shall deal with parts whose delivery price is null. UR-WRK-049 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-111 The CMMS shall maintain full historical records on work orders. UR-WRK-056 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-112 It shall be possible to roll up and/or roll down information about work on the objects' hierarchy. UR-WRK-059 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-113 The CMMS shall allow the marking of a work order as "deleted". UR-WRK-060


FR-114 The system shall supply a module of statistic functions. UR-UAR-025 ESS 1 STABLE
FR-115 The system shall allow additional comments to be added to recorded work orders. These additional comments will include the name of the operator who adds the comment, date and time when the comment is added and free text. UR-WRK-058 ESS 1 STABLE

3.2 Performance Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
PR-001 The CMMS shall be able to support up to 30 simultaneous users. UR-CAP-001 ESS 1 STABLE
PR-002 The system shall retrieve a stored work order within 2 seconds, 90% of the times. UR-PER-001 ESS 1 STABLE
PR-003 The system shall retrieve the state of all work orders created during one week (about 200) within 5 seconds, 90% of the times. UR-PER-002 ESS 1 STABLE

3.3 Interface Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
IR-001 The CMMS shall be able to use planning information from MS-Project. UR-API-001 ESS 2 STABLE
IR-002 The system shall support the exchange of data with the following standard PC tools: MS Word, Excel and FileMaker. UR-API-002 ESS 2 STABLE
IR-003 The system shall be able to launch other applications. UR-API-003 ESS 1 TBC
IR-004 The CMMS shall interface with EDH for purchase order processing. UR-API-007 ESS 2 STABLE
IR-005 The CMMS shall use external databases as source for some data. UR-API-008 ESS 1 STABLE
IR-006 The system shall support WWW access. UR-UAR-022 ESS 1 STABLE
IR-007 The system shall support dial-up access. UR-UAR-023 ESS 1 TBC
IR-008 The system shall notify the creator of a corrective work order of its good transmission to the concerned MRC(s). UR-WRK-054 ESS 1 TBC
IR-009 The system shall notify the concerned MRC(s) by fax and/or e-mail when a new job is to be done. UR-WRK-031


IR-010 The system shall have some of its functions externally accessible to other applications. UR-API-004 ESS 1 TBC

3.4 Operational Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
OR-001 The system shall uniquely identify each object. UR-EQP-013 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-002 The system shall uniquely identify each store. UR-STR-002 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-003 The system shall uniquely identify each part. UR-STR-004 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-004 The system shall have a MS-Windows client. UR-UAR-004A


OR-005 The system shall have a X-Windows client. UR-UAR-004B


OR-006 The system shall have a character-based interface available. UR-UAR-005 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-007 The system shall have copy & paste facilities. UR-UAR-006 DES 2 TBC
OR-008 The CMMS shall have an user-customisable interface. UR-UAR-017 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-009 The CMMS shall allow the choice of the DBU it is connected to. UR-UAR-018 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-010 The CMMS shall allow the retrieval and printing across several DBUs of all work orders according to a determined criteria.. UR-WRK-055 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-011 The system shall indicate which fields have been automatically filled. UR-UAR-019 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-012 The system shall aim to minimise the amount of data that needs to be re-entered. UR-UAR-020 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-013 The system shall have multilingual facilities. UR-UAR-021 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-014 The CMMS shall allow the establishment of screen colour schema revealing the rights of the user. UR-UAR-026 ESS 1
OR-015 It shall be possible to add extra funcionalities to the system through the use of calls to database stored procedures. UR-API-008 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-016 It shall be possible to customise the system provided pre-defined reports. UR-UAR-010 ESS 1 STABLE
OR-017 It shall be possible to obtain reports both on paper and as an MS-Excel file. UR-UAR-011


OR-018 The system shall allow the administrator's access and modification of system messages. UR-UAR-027 ESS 1 STABLE

3.5 Resource Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
RR-001 The system shall be able to read bar-code labels. UR-UAR-007 ESS 1 STABLE
RR-002 The system shall be able to print bar-code labels for parts UR-UAR-008 ESS 1 STABLE
RR-003 The system shall be multi-user and multi-process. UR-UAR-015 ESS 1 STABLE

3.6 Verification Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
VR-001 The verification of the CMMS will take place in accordance with the ESA PSS-05 standard. STD ESS 1 STABLE

3.7 Acceptance Test Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
ATR-001 The CMMS acceptance testing will take place according to the ESA PSS-05 standard. STD ESS 1 STABLE

3.8 Documentation Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
DR-001 User documentation shall exist in both French and English language, at least. STD ESS 1 STABLE
DR-002 Administrator documentation shall exist in English language, at least. STD ESS 1 STABLE

3.9 Security Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
SR-001 The CMMS shall have the possibility of having all valid user commands logged in a command log file. PJM ESS 1 STABLE
SR-002 The system shall not allow the re-opening of a closed work order. UR-WRK-036B ESS 1 STABLE
SR-003 The system shall not allow the deletion of a work order after its acceptance by the concerned MRC. UR-WRK-057 ESS 1 STABLE
SR-004 The system shall not allow the adding or modification of comments on work orders marked as deleted. UR-WRK-062 ESS 1 STABLE
SR-005 The system shall only allow the selection of an object's division, group and section from an allowed list of values. UR-EQP-058 ESS 1 STABLE
SR-006 The system shall only allow the selection of an object's MRC from an allowed list of values. UR-EQP-059 ESS 1 STABLE
SR-007 The system shall only allow the selection of an object's holder from an allowed list of values. UR-EQP-060 ESS 1 STABLE
SR-008 The system shall be able to verify technical parameters input for an objects with a dictionary of allowed values. UR-EQP-061 ESS 1 STABLE
SR-009 The system shall force each user to belong to at least one group. UR-UAR-003 ESS 1 STABLE

3.10 Portability Requirements


3.11 Reliability Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
RLR-001 It shall be acceptable for the CMMS to be unavailable to users for up to 5 minutes. PJM ESS 1 STABLE

3.12 Maintainability Requirements

SR Number Description Source Need Rank Stability
MR-001 The CMMS shall follow the ESA PSS-05 standard for maintenance and adaptability of the software. PJM ESS 1 TBC

3.13 Safety Requirements


4. Requirements Traceability Matrix



DATE: 97-04-21
API-001 IR-001 The system shall have a link to a project tool (MS Project)
API-002 IR-002 The system shall support the exchange of data with the following standard PC tools: MS Word, Excel and FileMaker
API-003 IR-003 The system shall be able to launch other applications
API-004 IR-010 The system shall have some of its functions externally accessible from other applications.
API-005 IR-009 The system shall be able to fax work orders to companies not connected to the system
API-006 SL-PS The system shall interact with GESMAR to determine what can be planned according to existing budgetary constraints and pay completed jobs
API-007 IR-004 The system shall interface with EDH for purchase order processing
API-008 OR-015 The system shall allow the definition of add-on functions to allow the extension of the base product
API-009 IR-005 The system shall use external databases as a source for some data.
CAP-001 PR-001 The system shall support 50 simultaneous users
DAT-001 GC The system shall use existing RAPIER data (or a migration and/or adaptation of it) as its database
DAT-002 GC The system shall use ORACLE as its RDBMS
EQP-001 FR-001 The user shall be able to create objects
EQP-002 FR-002 The user shall be able to modify objects' definitions
EQP-003 FR-003 The user shall be able to delete objects
EQP-004 FR-004 The user shall be able to describe objects based on their technical characteristics
EQP-005 N/A The system shall manage maintenance on objects
EQP-006 FR-005 The user shall be able to define systems as objects composed of assets or systems. This composition is based on some logical relationship
EQP-007 FR-006 The system shall allow the creation of classes as objects with specific technical characteristics.
EQP-008 FR-007 The system shall allow the creation of categories as sub-classes.
EQP-009 FR-010 The system shall allow an equipment to belong to one of its class' categories.
EQP-010 N/A Replaced by EQP-010A
EQP-010A FR-011 The user shall be able to define at least 3-level parent-child relationships between assets
EQP-010B FR-012 The user shall be able to define at least 3-level parent-child relationships between systems
EQP-011 FR-008 The user shall be able to define types (non-maintenance-related categories)
EQP-012 FR-010 The user shall be able to select a category and a type for each asset
EQP-013 OR-001 The system shall identify uniquely each object
EQP-014 FR-013 The user shall be able to define a second code for an asset
EQP-015 FR-014 The user shall be able to define a manufacturer and serial number for each object
EQP-016 FR-015 The user shall be able to define an owner division, group and section for each object
EQP-017 FR-016 The user shall be able to select a MRC for each object
EQP-018 FR-017 The user shall be able to select a holder, e.g. a person responsible for each object
EQP-019 FR-018 The user shall be able to select an access state for each object
EQP-020 FR-018 The user shall be able to select an operational state for each object
EQP-021 FR-019 The user shall be able to input an installation <pris-en-charge> date for each object
EQP-022 FR-019 The user shall be able to input an "out-of-order" <hors-service> date for each object
EQP-023 FR-006 The user shall be able to define technical parameters for each class
EQP-024 FR-020 The user shall be able to define supplemental details for each category
EQP-025 N/A Replaced by EQP-025A
EQP-025A FR-021 The user shall be able to define default values for the technical parameters of each category and type
EQP-025B FR-023 If an asset is created within category and type both with defined default values for technical parameters, the type values will be taken as the default.
EQP-026 FR-022 The user shall be able to alter the default values of the technical parameters of an asset
EQP-027 N/A Replaced by EQP-027A
EQP-027A FR-024 The user shall be able to add supplemental details to one object
EQP-027B FR-025 The user shall pass along to an asset its category and type supplemental details
EQP-028 FR-026 The system shall be able to maintain information about assets' level meters
EQP-029 FR-026 The system shall be able to maintain information about assets' cumulative meters
EQP-030 FR-026 The system shall be able to maintain information about assets' percentage meters
EQP-031 FR-027 The user shall be able to define locations in a 3 level hierarchy
EQP-032 SL-PS The user shall be able to define areas comprising several level-2 locations
EQP-033 FR-028 The user shall be able to define an asset's location
EQP-034 FR-028 The user shall be able to define a system's location
EQP-035 N/A Replaced by EQP-035A
EQP-035A FR-029 The system shall provide a mechanism for the handling of object re-locations, keeping data coherency, namely related planned work
EQP-035B FR-030 The system shall provide a mechanism for the handling of object parameter's changing, keeping data coherency
EQP-036 FR-031 The user shall be able to select if an asset is to move with its parent asset
EQP-037 N/A Deleted
EQP-038 FR-032 The system shall be able to manage the maintenance of the defined locations
EQP-039 FR-033 The system shall be able to work with functional positions
EQP-040 FR-034 The system shall be able to assign a new asset to the same functional position, in case of failure
EQP-041 FR-035 The user shall be able to select objects upon which category and system-level maintenance is not to be performed
EQP-042 SL-PS The user shall be able to associate parts with objects
EQP-043 FR-036 The system shall maintain data on equipment's down times
EQP-044 FR-038 The user shall be able to access all parts used by an asset in the past
EQP-045 FR-037 The system shall record overridden maintenance in the equipment's history
EQP-046 FR-038 The system shall hold a full historical record of all objects
EQP-047 FR-007 The system shall force a category to belong to a class.
EQP-048 FR-009 The system shall force an object to belong to a class.
EQP-049 FR-003 The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it has children assets
EQP-050 FR-003 The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it has historical records regarding events
EQP-051 FR-003 The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it has historical records regarding stores
EQP-052 FR-003 The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it belongs to a system
EQP-053 FR-003 The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it has financial data associated
EQP-054 SL-PS The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it has an entry in LEPEL tables
EQP-055 N/A Deleted (included in EQP-054)
EQP-056 N/A Deleted (included in EQP-054)
EQP-057 SL-PS The system will not allow the deletion of an object if it is marked as being used under EUCLID
EQP-058 SR-005 The user shall select an object's division, group and section from an allowed list-of-values
EQP-059 SR-006 The user shall select an object's Main Responsibility Centre from an allowed list-of-values
EQP-060 SR-007 The user shall select an object's holder from an allowed list-of-values
EQP-061 SR-008 The system shall be able to verify technical parameters input for an object with a dictionary of allowed values.
FIN-001 FR-039 The system shall be able to deal with different contracts
FIN-002 FR-040 The system shall be able to manage open contracts covering items or services supplied on an as-needed basis
FIN-003 FR-045 The user shall be able to access the cost of parts and work of interventions done on an object
FIN-004 FR-041 The system shall be able to develop and manage cost estimates and budgets
FIN-005 FR-042 The system shall produce financial reports
FIN-006 FR-044 The system shall maintain exchange rates for CHF with other currencies
FIN-007 FR-043 The system shall maintain parts prices in CHF
FIN-008 FR-043 The system shall maintain parts prices in their original currency
FIN-009 FR-045 The system shall produce cumulative cost reports for objects
FIN-010 FR-046 The system shall produce cumulative cost reports for MRCs
FIN-011 SL-PS The system shall allow the assignment of different prices to the same part or action, according to the concerned contract
PER-001 PR-002 The system shall retrieve a stored work order within 2 seconds, 90% of the time.
PER-002 PR-003 The system shall retrieve the state of all work orders raised during one week (normally about 200) within 5 seconds, 90% of the time
STR-001 FR-047 The system shall be able to work with several stores
STR-002 OR-002 The system shall uniquely identify each store
STR-003 FR-048 The system shall keep records on maintenance parts and other materials
STR-004 OR-003 The system shall uniquely identify each part
STR-005 N/A Replaced by STR-005A
STR-005A FR-049 The user shall be able to define an asset as a numbered part
STR-005B FR-050 The system shall automatically create an asset when the creation of a numbered part occurs
STR-006 FR-051 The system shall have the capability of keeping information about parts in stores (stock)
STR-007 FR-052 The system shall maintain information about different suppliers, references, prices, countries and currencies for the same part
STR-008 FR-054 The system shall keep information about different stock levels for an part (min, max, re-stock, etc.)
STR-009 FR-055 The user shall be able to define parts that don't exist on stores
STR-010 FR-056 The system shall keep records on parts' location inside the stores
STR-011 FR-057 The system shall allow transfers of parts between stores
STR-012 FR-058 The system shall be able to deal with parts' repairs (parts that are assets).
STR-013 FR-059 The system shall keep records on receiving and delivering of parts
STR-014 FR-060 The system shall allow the issue of parts from a store without a picking list
STR-015 FR-061 The system shall provide information showing which items should be ordered, which are available and which have been ordered and are due to arrive
STR-016 FR-061 The system shall be able to automatically generate purchase orders when the re-stock point is reached
STR-017 FR-062 The user shall be able to manually create purchasing orders
STR-018 FR-063 The user shall be able to follow the progress/status of an order
STR-019 FR-064 The system shall support the reception of a single order in multiple parts
STR-020 FR-058 The system shall be able to deal with repaired parts price
STR-021 FR-065 The system shall be able to replace one part with others.
STR-022 FR-066 The system will automatically maintain stores inventory updated
UAR-001 FR-067 The system shall allow the definition of users
UAR-002 FR-068 The system shall allow the establishment of groups of users with specific rights and restrictions
UAR-003 SR-009 The system shall force each user to belong to at least one group
UAR-004 N/A Replaced
UAR-004A OR-004 The system shall have a MS-Windows client
UAR-004B OR-005 The system shall have a X-Windows client
UAR-005 OR-006 The system shall have a character-based interface available
UAR-006 OR-007 The system shall have copy & paste facilities
UAR-007 RR-001 The system shall be able to read bar-code labels
UAR-008 RR-002 The system shall be able to print bar-code labels for parts
UAR-009 FR-069 The user shall be able to search the parts database by technical specification
UAR-010 OR-016 The user shall be able to customise the system provided pre-defined reports
UAR-011 OR-017 The system shall allow the user to create his own reports, both on paper or as an Excel file
UAR-012 OR-017 The system shall produce user-criteria lists of parts in store, both on paper and as an Excel file
UAR-013 FR-070 The user shall be able to perform technical characteristic-based selection of objects
UAR-014 FR-071 The system shall produce lists with total interventions count on objects
UAR-015 RR-003 The system shall be multi-user and multi-process
UAR-016 OR-004


The system shall be predominantly mouse driven
UAR-017 OR-008 The system shall have an user-customisable interface
UAR-018 OR-009 The system shall provide means for the selection of the database to be worked on
UAR-019 OR-011 The system shall indicate which fields have been filled automatically
UAR-020 OR-012 The system shall aim to minimise the amount of data that needs to be re-entered
UAR-021 OR-013 The system shall have multilingual facilities
UAR-022 IR-006 The system shall support WWW access
UAR-023 IR-007 The system shall support dial-up access
UAR-024 FR-072 The system shall allow the printing of bar-code labels on a quantity different than that of the received parts
UAR-025 FR-114 The system shall supply a module of statistic functions
UAR-026 OR-014 The system shall have a screen colours convention according to the rights of the user
UAR-027 OR-018 The system shall allow the access and modification of system messages, for administration purposes.
WRK-001 N/A Replaced
WRK-001A FR-073 The user shall be able to plan fixed preventive maintenance work on objects
WRK-001B FR-074 The user shall be able to plan variable preventive maintenance work on objects
WRK-002 FR-075 The user shall be able to produce work orders for corrective maintenance on objects
WRK-003 FR-076 The user shall be able to produce work orders for isolated non-corrective work on objects
WRK-004 FR-077 The user shall be able to plan predictive maintenance work on objects
WRK-005 FR-078 The user shall be able to define routines as tasks performed at a given (fixed or variable) frequency
WRK-006 FR-079 The user shall be able to define jobs as the execution of a given routine, in a given object at a given location at a given time
WRK-007 FR-080 The user shall be able to define one activity as a routine's single task performed by a specific human resource
WRK-008 FR-081 The system shall keep a list of activities for each routine
WRK-009 FR-082 The system shall keep a list of instructions for each activity
WRK-010 FR-083 The system shall keep a list of standard parts for each routine
WRK-011 FR-085 The user shall be able to describe the parts, specific job steps, required personnel skills, estimated times and tools needed to complete a work order
WRK-012 SL-PS The user shall be able to associate actions and parts with equipment
WRK-013 FR-084 The system shall be able to keep records on personnel skills and training for job assignment purposes
WRK-014 FR-086 The user shall be able to define request codes for demanded interventions
WRK-015 FR-087 The user shall be able to define action codes for work to be done
WRK-016 FR-088 The user shall be able to assign degrees of priority to work orders
WRK-017 FR-090 The system shall provide several PM scheduling basis, i.e. time, km, units, etc.
WRK-018 FR-091 The system shall help the user to spread planned work over the maintenance period
WRK-019 SL-PS The user shall be able to group work orders into specific projects
WRK-020 SL-PS The system shall provide means for Work Order scheduling and assignment of available labour
WRK-021 FR-092 The system shall be able to print the instruction list for a job on its card
WRK-022 FR-092 The system shall be able to print the consumables list for a job on its card
WRK-023 FR-092 The system shall be able to print the tools list for a job on its card
WRK-024 N/A Replaced by WRK-024A
WRK-024A FR-083 The system shall keep information about conditional parts for a job
WRK-024B FR-092 The system shall be able to print conditional parts for a job on its card
WRK-025 FR-093 The system shall support handling of scheduled jobs that are on hold because of unavailable parts
WRK-026 FR-093 The system shall be able to forecast new estimated date for jobs on hold waiting for parts
WRK-027 N/A Replaced by WRK-027A
WRK-027A FR-094 The system shall allow the definition of nested routines
WRK-027B FR-095 The system shall allow the definition of override conditions for nested routines, based on time and/or counter measurement
WRK-028 FR-096 The system shall allow the definition of override conditions for maintenance based on objects relationships
WRK-029 FR-097 The system shall override planned maintenance on an out-of-service object.
WRK-030 FR-098 The system shall re-plan preventive maintenance on a repaired equipment, according to its "back-to-service" date.
WRK-031 IR-009 The system shall notify the concerned MRC by fax and/or e-mail when a new job is to be performed
WRK-032 FR-099 The system shall support the definition of relationships among work orders
WRK-033 FR-100 The system shall be able to produce a job card for each MRC involved in a job
WRK-034 FR-100 The system shall be able to produce a single job card for all MRCs involved in a job
WRK-035 FR-101 The user shall close a work order when the job is done, modifying the parts quantities used, or time spent if needed.
WRK-036 N/A Replaced by WRK-036A
WRK-036A FR-102 The system shall provide mechanisms for the re-creation as "not completed" of a closed work order
WRK-036B SR-002 The system shall not allow the re-opening of a closed work order.
WRK-037 FR-103 The user shall be able to access a list of planned work for an object
WRK-038 FR-104 The user shall be able to access an object's list of non-executed jobs
WRK-039 FR-104 The system shall produce work order backlogs by creator
WRK-040 FR-105 The user shall be able to access a Work Order's status
WRK-041 FR-104 The system shall maintain a Work Order backlog
WRK-042 FR-106 The system will notify MRC responsibles of work done during the non-working hours
WRK-043 FR-107 The system shall automatically generate the stores picking lists for a job
WRK-044 FR-108 The system shall check the availability of parts needed to perform a job
WRK-045 FR-107 The system shall notify the store keeper about parts needed for a job prior to it
WRK-046 FR-109 The system shall allow the reservation of parts for planned jobs
WRK-047 SL-PS The system shall be able to account for action done, part used, or time passed for payment purposes
WRK-048 N/A Moved to the constraints section
WRK-049 FR-110 The user shall be able to use parts that are not to be paid
WRK-050 SL-PS The system shall be able to estimate the amount of materials needed for a job and update that estimation with actual amounts used
WRK-051 SL-PS The system shall be able to estimate the cost of planned maintenance for a certain time period
WRK-052 SL-PS The system shall be able to handle immediate and long term estimation (10+ years)
WRK-053 N/A Deleted
WRK-054 IR-008 The system shall notify the person who created a corrective maintenance work order of its good transmission to its MRC
WRK-055 OR-010 The user shall be able to retrieve and print across several databases all work orders according to a determined criteria
WRK-056 FR-111 The system shall maintain historical information on work orders
WRK-057 SR-003 The system shall not allow the deletion of a work order (including additional comments) after its acceptance by the working team (MRC)
WRK-058 FR-115 The system shall allow additional comments to be added to recorded work orders. These additional comments will include the name of the operator who adds the comment, date and time when the comment is added and free text
WRK-059 FR-112 The system shall allow the roll-up and/or roll-down of information about work on object's hierarchy
WRK-060 FR-113 The system shall allow the marking of a work order as deleted
WRK-061 FR-113 The system shall keep information on date and time of marking as deleted of a work order
WRK-062 SR-004 The system shall not allow the adding or modification of comments on work orders marked as deleted
WRK-063 FR-089 The system shall provide means for the production of a paper copy of a work order
WRK-064 SL-PS The system shall allow the printing of an object's supplemental details on its concerning work orders
WRK-065 SL-PS The system shall allow the definition of job-return parameters for equipment, to be filled with values upon completion of work

Pedro Martel - EST/ISS - Last modified: 11JUN97