Manual for Diversity Preservation in MCL

Here is an explanation of the different input fields and buttons:
Trans. s. This determines the translation noise in the transition model. The value is the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise applied to the translation. The translation noise of the robot's odometry is set to 1.0. For an efficient search for the optima, the noise in the transition model should be higher than the noise of the robot's odometry.
Rot. s. This determines the rotational noise in the transition model. The rotation noise of the robot's odometry is set to 0.04.
Sensor s. The uncertainty of the sensors used in the sensor model. The 'true' noise of the sensors is set to 1.0.
P(rand dist) The proportion of particles that are placed on a random position in the map. This is applied every time step and can be used to recover from a 'kidnap'.
Niching. The niching method used to preserve the diversity in the particle population. If set to 'none', the particle population will converge to one solution if there are ambiguous situations. Possible niching methods are 'crowding', 'closest-of-the-words', 'sharing', 'frequency dependent selection using 20% of the particles', 'frequency dependent selection using 1 particle', and 'local selection'. For the later, a threshold need to be set to determine the carrying capacity (Loc.sel. thr).
# particles The number of particles in the population. This will not work for the local selection niching method, since it has an adaptive population size. In that case 'Loc.sel thr' needs to be set to control the carrying capacity.
Kidnap The robot will be placed to a random location with a random orientation without updating the odometry. The particle filter will therefore not be aware of the kidnap.
World Three different environments are available: ambiguous, non-ambiguous (similar, but with a symmetry braking element), and complex.
Start/Pause To start and pause the simulation
Restart To restart the simulation