Exercise 1 ----------- superUser 1234 superUser 5678 The old password of superUser was 1234 superUser 9000 superUser 5678 * Each correct answer is worth 1pts Exercise 2 ----------- correct return type (void) [2pts] correct initialization for max (max = arr[0]) [2pts] correct branch condition for "if" statement (max < arr[i])[2pts] correct bound check in for loop (i0 && s.athletes >0){ return true; } else { return false; } Block H: [3pts] return this.country + " has " + this.athletes + " athletes in " + this.sportName; Block I: [2pts] private Sport sport; private String eventName; private int placement; private String athleteName; Block J: [3pts] super(); this.sport = new Sport(); this.eventName = "Women's 100m butterfly"; this.placement = 1; this.athleteName = "Sarah Sjöström"; Block K: [3pts] super(sport); this.sport = sport; this.eventName = eventName; this.placement = placement; this.athleteName = athleteName; Block L: [3pts] return this.athleteName + " was ranked " + placement + " in " + eventName + " in " + this.getSportName(); Block M: [4pts] if(this.placement > e.placement) return this.athleteName + " performed better than " + e.athleteName; else if(this.placement == e.placement) return this.athleteName + " performed the same as " + e.athleteName; else return e.athleteName + " performed better than " + this.athleteName; Exercise 5 ----------- a) 10 pts public static String maxAthletesJudo(Sport[] s){ String maxCountry=""; int maxAthletes = 0; for(int i=1; i maxAthletes){ maxAthletes = s[i].athletes; maxCountry = s[i].country; } } if (maxAthletes == 0) return "No Judo athletes in this olympics"; else return maxCountry + " has " + maxAthletes + "in Judo"; } b) 10 pts public static void firstThree(Event[] e){ Event first=null, second=null, third=null; for(int i=0; i