Using Multiple Gaussian Hypotheses to Represent Probability Distributions for Mobile Robot Localization

David Austin and Patric Jensfelt


A new mobile robot localization technique is presented which uses multiple Gaussian hypotheses to represent the probability distribution of the robots location in the environment. A tree of hypotheses is built by the application of Bayes' rule with each new sensor mesurement. However, such a tree can grow without bound and so rules are introduced for the elimination of the least likely hypotheses from the tree and for the proper re-distribution of their probability. This technique is applied to a feature-based mobile robot localization scheme and experimental results are given demonstrating the effectiveness of the scheme.

BibTeX Entry:

  author = 	 {David Austin and Patric Jensfelt},
  title = 	 {Using Multiple Gaussian Hypotheses to Represent Probability
Distributions for Mobile Robot Localization},
  booktitle = 	 {IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation},
  year =	 2000

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