Triangulation Based Fusion of Ultrasonic Sensor Data

Olle Wijk, Patric Jensfelt and Henrik I. Christensen


Ultrasonic sensors are still one of the most widely used sensors in mobile robotics. A notorious problem in the use of sonar data is the lack of good spatial resolution, which typically results in a high uncertainty in the resulting map of the environment. In the paper a triangulation technique is used for filtering of data so as to obtain an improved grid map of the environment. The basic technique is described and it is outlined how it can be used for identification of natural landmarks.

BibTeX Entry:

  author = 	 {Olle Wijk and Patric Jensfelt and Henrik Christensen},
  title = 	 {Triangulation Based Fusion of Ultrasonic Sensor Data},
  booktitle = 	 In Proc. of International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
  pages =	 {3419--24},
  year =	 1998,
  volume =	 4,
  address =	 {Leuven, Belgium},
  month =	 may,
  organization = IEEE

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