Niklas Fyrvald and Simon Roth

Household electricity – How to make it visible?


In this bachelor degree thesis we have conducted a study with the intent to find out how to design a visualization solution of the energy consumption, so that that a person wants to use the visualization solution. The study was based on 10 qualitative interviews with young adults interested in their electricity consumption. The questions in the interviews were based on five existing visualization solutions, which were presented to the interviewees. The answers from the interviews were combined with a literature study to develop a design proposal on a visualization solution of our own.

If a visualization solution is easy to assimilate, it is very likely that young adults want to use it. No more than a quick look should be needed to get the information about the current energy consumption of the household. The possibility to see the electricity consumption of individual products is also a requested feature. A visualization solution that is easy to assimilate and also offers the possibility to see the electricity consumption in detail seems to be a solution that appeals to young adults.