School of
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science

News for Basic Internet Programming, spring 2010

2010-02-26, 13:50
If you get the error ": bad interpreter: No such file or directory "
or: ": bad interpreter: Det finns ingen fil eller katalog med det namnet"
(same error message but in swedish)
then you probably have the DOS (Microsoft) line endings. In DOS lines end with CR LF (carriage return + line feed). This makes Unix and linux misunderstand and interpret the CR character as ending the name. You have to remove the CR (ctrl-m) characters.
The simplest way (assuming that javacgi.cgi is the file with the problem):

dos2unix javacgi.cgi > x

mv x javacgi.cgi

chmod uo+x javacgi.cgi

2010-02-10, 17:00
I have a new server for the course. Please try it and, if it works OK, use it.
The server URL is ""
I have tried it and it works OK for me. It has however some specific (and odd) features.

You put everything in your "public_html" folder.
Access your files through ""
where username is your normal username, in my case presenting the file "form.html" would be

Files ending with ".html" work as usual
Files ending with ".cgi" will be treated as cgi scripts
The content of files ending with ".cgi" may be anything that normally works as cgi scripts, Perl, shell script, ... but NOT php.

2010-02-05, 10:24
We will henceforth use the "Sima Manager" for a lab help & review queue, you find short instructions here

2010-02-04, 20:00
I have updated the numbering of labs and tasks in Rapp. The numbering is as follows:
Labs are numbered L1, L2, .., L5
And tasks are numbered

Lab 1, task 11T1
Lab 1, task 21T2
Lab 2, task 12T1
Lab 2, task 22T2
Lab 2, task 32T3
Lab 3, task 13T1
Lab 4, task 64T6
Lab 5, task 35T3
Lab 5, task 45T4
Lab 5, task 55T5

2010-02-03, 10:00
Slides for lecture 9 completed and ready for printing / download.
You find them here

2010-01-24, 20:00
Slides for lecture 8 completed and ready for printing / download.
You find them here

2010-01-22, 15:50
Slides for lecture 7 completed and ready for printing / download.
You find them here

2010-01-18, 13:00
Update on Lecture rooms. Please see the updated schedule

2010-01-18, 10:15
A typical entry will look like this, containing some text and, optionally, a link to some place (this one points at this record) but the date-time item should announce the time that the entry was made

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Updated 2010-02-26