Skolan för
och datavetenskap

Software Engineering, mvk08

This web page is under construction.

OBS: The following information is supplied with reservation for changes during the course.


The course DD1363 aims to introduce students to the theory and practise of software engineering. The main activities are: formal lectures, invited industrial speakers, a group project and an individual term paper.

Performance on the course for individuals will be assessed by weighting the grades awarded for the group project and the term paper. There is no formal examination.

Latest News and FAQ

  • 2009-05-15 The final software presentations will be held on Tuesday 26th May 15-17 in room E1. Please note that if you have not already presented a report to the class, then this is your second to last opportunity. (The last opportunity is to present the software demo.) Please consult my slides on this web page (Lecture 20 below) for info about the final presentation and software demo.
  • 2009-03-18 Yesterday in class after a vote it was decided that the final software presentations will be made on Tuesday May 26th 15-17. This is the second to last opportunity to speak for those students who have not yet presented a report in class. On this day you will make a 5-6 minute presentation on the outcome of your project, including a look at the final product with the help of some screen shots. The final opportunity to speak will be at the software demo some days later. Each group is responsible for booking its own 30 minute demo time with me. I will place guidelines for the demo on this webpage nearer the time.
  • 2009-03-18 I have returned about 60% of the term papers to student expeditionen on level 2. Each paper should have a mark sheet attached to it which breaks down the mark awarded under various categories. The remaining scripts should be marked by Inge Frick within 2-3 days.
  • 2009-01-19 I have updated my course notes, and added dates for delivery and presentation of the SRD and ADD documents of the soft. eng. project. I will be adding to the course notes as term goes by.
  • 2008-12-09 For those students who have not yet collected their initial abstracts of their term papers, I have placed the remaining (20?) in NADAs studentexpeditionen (level 2) where you can collect them during opening hours.
  • 2008-12-02 I have added my course notes for the remainder of this term.
  • 2008-11-25 I have added recent lecture material and the course outline for the remainder of this term.
  • 2008-11-12 I have added the course timetable for period 3, 2009 below.
  • 2008-11-12 I have started to add the material from my lecture slides below. I will build this up as the course progresses. I have also added Gunnar Lindholm's slide show from yesterday 2008-11-11.
  • 2008-09-15 On Tuesday 4th November 2008 the lecture from 15.00-17.00 in E1 will be devoted to presentations of potential projects by industrial companies and research members of KTH staff. In order to make a good choice of project it is *strongly* advisable to attend.
  • 2008-09-15 Please register yourself for the course as soon as possible if you have not already done so. We cannot register your project and term paper grades without this. Recall that you must run "res checkin mvk08" inside a terminal window. Thanks!


Requirements Management and UML

  • UML provides may languages for modelling business models, companies, problems and program designs. The notation is summarised here by Allen Holub.
  • A UML tutorial

Architectures and Design Patterns

Detailed Design and Coding

  • JavaDoc important for creating easy to read and well structured programs.

Project Management

  • An excellent portal for online resources on project management and software engineering is
  • A gentle introduction to extreme programming.
  • A question I am often asked is: "aren't there any lightweight lifecycle models?". Here is the ultimate lightweight model (RUP inspired) for a 1 man/week project.
  • Here is an extensive survey of OO lifecycle models (and much more!) prepare to be overwhelmed!!!.


For us to report your lab work and exam marks you *must* register yourself for this course. You can do this from a CSC Unix terminal by using the command res checkin mvk08.

In order to receive your course points it is also necessary that your "kansli" has registered that this course belongs to your choice of courses. Check this with Ping if you are unsure!

Course Evaluation

We are happy to receive suggestions for improvements to this course. During period 4 a course evaluation questionnaire will be distributed.


Main Literature

  • Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, eigth edition. The most popular introductory book worldwide and recommended text book for the course.

Additional literature

  • Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell, Software Project Management, McGraw Hill, third edition, 2002. This is the best among the books I have seen on this subject. Practical and useful.
  • I. K. Bray, An Introduction to Requirements Engineering, Addison Wesley 2002.

  • Soren Lauesen, Software Requirements, Styles and Techniques, Addison Wesley, 2002. This is an excellent practical "how to" book on requirements engineering.

  • Mark Priestley, Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML, McGraw Hill, 2000. In my opinion the most accurate account of UML's many languages.
  • Some of the course material will also be made available on the web.


This course runs from period 2, 2008 until period 4, 2009. However, currently I only have access to the timetable for periods 2 and 3. I will add to this as soon as possible to cover period 4.

Vecka 35 - 51 2008

Course   DD1363   Software Engineering MVK08   

Vecka 44, 2008 Kurs Kursomg Moment Lokal Anmärkning
  Tis 28 okt 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU DA3005
Vecka 45, 2008
  Tis 4 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU DA3005
  Ons 5 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU, DA3005
Vecka 46, 2008
  Tis 11 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU DA3005
  Ons 12 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU, DA3005
Vecka 47, 2008
  Tis 18 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU DA3005
  Ons 19 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU, DA3005
Vecka 48, 2008
  Tis 25 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU DA3005
  Ons 26 nov 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU, DA3005
Vecka 49, 2008
  Tis 2 dec 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU DA3005
  Ons 3 dec 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU, DA3005
Vecka 50, 2008
  Ons 10 dec 15:00-17:00 DD1363 DD1363H1 Frl E1 Samläsning med SU, DA3005


Kurs   DD1363   Mjukvarukonstruktion   

Vecka 4, 2009 Kurs Kursomg Moment Lokal Anmärkning
  Tis 20 jan 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 5, 2009
  Tis 27 jan 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 6, 2009
  Tis 3 feb 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 7, 2009
  Tis 10 feb 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 12, 2009
  Tis 17 mar 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 13, 2009
  Tis 24 mar 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 14, 2009
  Tis 31 mar 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  
Vecka 22, 2009
  Tis 26 maj 15:00-17:00 Mjukvarukonstruktion DD1363V1 Frl E1  

Course Objectives

Take a good look at the course objectives. These should help you understand what you get out of attending the course, and how your project and term paper will be graded.

Term Paper

The course DD1363 has no written or oral examination. Instead students are asked to write a term paper. Here you can find guidelines for the term paper.

In general there are many web pages that can give you useful tips and guidelines on writing a term paper. Two web pages that I believe are short but useful are from Lock Haven University and Purdue University.

Practical Project Work

The course DD1363 involves every student in a large IT development project.

Please note: it is difficult for you to join a project group after the course has started. Therefore it is important that you take part in MVK from the very beginning of the course. If you join the course late I cannot guarantee you a project place, and you may not be able to complete the course this year. This is a strict rule!

Here you can find guidelines for project work.

Document Templates

The group project involves regular project reporting using a set of deliverables that would normally be used in a waterfall style IT development project. We use a set of document templates developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) for its IT projects.

Here you can find the PSS-05 document templates which I have annotated with extra student information for clarity.

You can find further information about PSS at the ESA website PSS download page.

In general ESA does a large amount of high quality software engineering, and you should enjoy browsing their website for state of the art ideas.

Lecture Notes

Lecture 1, Tue 2008-10-28   .pdf file .pptx file Introduction to course, project and term paper overview
Lecture 2, Tue 2008-11-04    no slides Presentation of projects
Lecture 3, Wed 2008-11-05   .html file Discussion of project planning phase
Lecture 4, Tue 2008-11-11    .pdf file Guest lecture Gunnar Lindholm IBM, Project management
Lecture 5, Wed 2008-11-12   .pdf file .pptx file Software process models
Lecture 6, Tue 2008-11-18    no slides Project PPD presentations
Lecture 7, Wed 2008-11-19   .pdf file .pptx file Software process models (continued)
Lecture 8, Tue 2008-11-25    .pdf file .pptx file User requirements
Lecture 9, Wed 2008-11-26    .pdf file .pptx file PSS-05 URD template presentation
Lecture 10, Tue 2008-12-02     .pdf file .ppt file Use cases and UML sequence diagrams (basic)
Lecture 11, Wed 2008-12-03     .pdf file .ppt file UML sequence diagrams (constructions) and LSCs
Lecture 12, Wed 2008-12-10     no slides Project URD presentations

Lecture 13, Tue 2009-01-20    ClassDiagrams.pdf   ClassDiagrams.ppt   SRD.pdf   SRD.pptx System requirements and UML class diagrams
Lecture 14, Tue 2009-01-27    .pdf file   Guest Lecture A. Tarnowski: Test driven development
Lecture 15, Tue 2009-02-03    No slides Presentation of SRD reports
Lecture 16, Tue 2009-02-10    .pdf file .pptx file Architectural Requirements
Lecture 17, Wed 2009-03-17    No slides Presentation of ADD reports
Lecture 18, Tue 2009-03-24    .pdf file .pptx file .pdf file .pptx file Formal methods and ESC/Java
Lecture 19, Tue 2009-03-31    TBA
Lecture 20, Tue 2009-05-26    .pdf file .pptx file Project demo guidelines
Copyright © Sidansvarig: Karl Meinke <>
Uppdaterad 2009-05-15