DD2448 Foundations of Cryptography (7.5hp)
- Please do course evaluation. Available under the course analysis label to the left.
- Homework 4 is now published. It is due on May 20.
- A guest lecture will be held on May 9 by Mats Näslund, Ericsson
- Homework 3 is now published. It is due on April 28.
- There is a possibility for a visit to FRA, organized
by Simon Olander Sahlén.
- Douglas is ill and Johan Håstad is stepping in as a
- Tuesday, February 11. All students should check that the first
part of their KTH email address also serves as their user name on
Kattis. Please email me your Kattis username is this is not
the case.
- Tuesday, February 11. All students should have received an
email with three challenge ciphertexts to be solved as Problem 1
of Homework 1. Please email me ASAP if you did not receive this
email due to spam filters or other technical problems.
- Friday, January 24. The course description, instructions for
talks, rules for solving problems and reporting solutions, and an
example solution template are all available
on the page for handouts.
The content of the course will be similar to last year.
All information on this homepage and all handouts in the course will
be in English. Lectures will be given in Swedish if all students can
follow the lectures in Swedish, and otherwise the lectures will be
given in English. Students may hand in homeworks written in either
Swedish or English, but if the lectures are given in English, then
students should be ready to give their oral presentations in English
as well. Thus, international master students can safely plan to
follow this course.
Please note that we will not post any information at KTH
Social. It simply links back to this page.