Advanced Object-oriented Systems, avoo10OBS: The following information is supplied with reservation for changes during the course. Please bookmark this page and revisit it regularly. Last updated 2010-01-07.
The first lecture in 2010 is Friday January 22, 15-17 in room 4523. We are holding a Doodle Poll to calculate the best days and times to schedule our course. You will need to pick two 120 minute sessions (i.e. 2 classes) per week when you can take the course. Democracy rules and I will work with majority votes. OBS: Voting closes Monday 25th January at 12.00 midday.
News of the Day and FAQ
Take Home ExamsHere is the take home exam for March 9th 2010.As in previous years, the exam form for this course will be a hemtenta (take-home examination). The take-home exam will be held on Tuesday March 9th. On the afternoon of Tuesday 9th March, the take-home exam paper will be placed here some time around 15.00. You will then have about 36 hours in which to complete a paper that would normally require about 5 hours of continuous work. You will be able to sit the exam anywhere you wish (but there are no booked examination rooms). Paper manuscripts should normally be handed in to studentexpeditionen by 12.00 midday on Thursday March 11th. If students are unable to attend before the deadline, they may post their manuscript to the department. Details of posting will be found on the exam paper itself. The submission date will be taken to be the date of posting (official stamp). *It is not possible to submit electronically under any circumstances*. The exam paper will be similar to previous papers for the course OOTEORI. The May 2007 exam is here. Here are model answers to the paper.
The May 2006 exam is posted here. Here is a model answer to Question 1 of the paper, and here is a model answer to Question 2 The old May 2005 exam is posted here. Course Material.
Course Objectives.Take a good look at the course objectives. Besides helping you understand the course from a student-centred point of view, you will also find them extremely helpful in giving guidance about what kind of questions can appear on the exam. This is particularly critical on a new course with no past exam papers.Here is the course evaluation for 2007. Timetable. The first lecture in 2010 is Friday January 22, 15-17 in room 4523. During this lecture all course participants will be invited to choose the best days and times for 2 lectures a week for 7 weeks (period 3).
The remaining lectures for this course are as follows:
LabredovisningThis year, labredovisning will be via internet, either for myself or the lab assistant. Please read the lab instructions (link below) for details of how to organise your work into web pages. When you have completed the exercise, you should e-mail me with the URL for your lab work. Laboratory classes will sometimes be unsupervised. However, we will use time in lektion classes to discuss any lab problems.
Exams.See the top of this page.
Marking Scheme.Details are still to be finalised.Last year (2007) the grade awarded for the course was the grade achieved on the examination. A score of at least 50% will guarantee the grade godkänd. To score "väl godkänd" a student must score at least 70% (though this is no guarantee for receiving the grade, if the average grade on the exam is well over 50%). However, in addition to passing the exam, each student must satisfactorily pass the laboratory work. (No percentage grade is awarded for this work however, the laboratory mark is simply pass/fail).
Lektion work.This is usually revision and example classes just before the exam.
Laboratory work. For the laboratory exercises you may work in pairs, which you should organise for yourself. Anyone unable to find a partner may contact me, and I will try to pair you with another such person. You should choose one of the following lab projects (Note for students from previous course OOTEORI I am adding a new lab 0 to allow practical programming work.) To do Lab 1 you will need a copy of the book Harel and Marelly (see above). Before you can use the Play-Engine software for Lab 1 you may have to obtain a user license key, and enter this into the Play-Engine. Systemgruppen have written a help page to show you how to do this.
Lab 0: Here is exercise 0 on evaluating an advanced object-oriented programming language..
Online Resources.The web page for the Play-Engine, where you can download upgrades of the software, including the current 4.1 version.