avdist: A tool for analyzing haplotype differencesDescriptionThis is a simple tool for bootstrap analysis of haplotype differences. It computes hamming distance between pairs of sequences sampled from the input sequences and presents average difference and standard devitation of the results after some number of iterations. Indels are discarded from the distance calculation.A previous version of this tool was used for Savolainen et al in Science 2003. Please cite my name and this web page if you use this tool! Usageavdist [<options>] <iter> <samplesize> <ancient> <seqfile> Arguments
>name1 3 ACGTACGT... >name2 50 AAGTAAGT... >ancient 0 AAGTACGT...the first sequence is registered three times and the second is registered 50 times. If you don't want your ancient sequence to be sampled, that is, if it is actually not in the observed sequences, be sure to set the multiplicity of it to zero! See example above. Availabilityavdist is distributed under the GNU General Public
License, and is available in a
compressed tar file. The software is a Perl
script that usually runs without modification on a standard
Linux or *nix system.