School of
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science

Douglas Wikström

Associate Professor

Postal AddressVisiting Address
Douglas Wikström Room 1518, Level 5
EECS KTH Lindstedtsvägen 3

I am an associate professor with the theory group at EECS since 2007. I do research in cryptography, and in particular in cryptographic protocols. More details about my research and all my research papers can be found here. I supervised Björn Terelius who now works at Google.

I finished my PhD at KTH in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Johan Håstad. I did my postdoc with Prof. Ueli Maurer at Eidgenössige Technische Hochschule Zurich (ETHZ) in 2006-2007.

The Open Verificatum Project is my implementation a mix-net and a compatible JavaScript client library. It is was the first complete implementation faithful to cryptographic theory. There is also a compatible fast JavaScript library.

Published by: Douglas Wikström <>
Updated 2020-10-18