activities - Computer excercises and class room lessons
in the course 2D1359, OOMPA (that no
longer exists).
- Computer excercises and class room lessons in
the course 2D1385, Software development
- Computer excercises and class room lessons in
the course 2D1387, C++. Slides from my group (last year).
- Computer
excercises and class room lessons in the course 2D1344, Computer Science Basics.
Computer excercises and lectures 2D1418,
Natural Language Processing.
- Computer excercises and
lectures in the course 2D4130, Natural
Language Processing, .
- Worked on some C programming
excercises in the course 2D1350,
Programming Paradigms.
- Computer excercises and class room lessons in the course
2D1311, Introductory programming, using
problem based learning.
- I am part of the Natural language
processing group.
- I was originally paid by the project X-check,
that nowadays has a flashy
editor with grammar checking (of Swedish) and lot's more built in.
- Now I am paid by the project Infomat,
information extraction with language technology and matrix methods.
- Nowadays there is a demo of my little SnålGranska (Stingy
Checker) available online.
Publications publications etc.