School of
Computer Science
and Communication
KTH / CSC / TCS / People / Pedro

Pedro de Carvalho Gomes

I am a former doctorand at the Theoretical Computer Science department at KTH. My major field of interest was Formal Methods, and I have research Software Verification techniques along the doctoral studies. My supervisor was Dilian Gurov. I concluded the PhD studies on December 4th, 2015, with the defence of my doctoral thesis.

Previously I finished my Master (2010) and Bachelor (2003) at the Computer Science Department at UFMG, Brazil.

Contact information:

Office: KTH Main Campus Lindstedtsvägen 3, D building, floor 5, room 4516.
Postal Address: Lindstedtsvägen 3, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
E-Mail: pedrodcg at

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Last Modified: August 02 2016.