NWERC 2005




The ACM ICPC regional contest rules can be found at the ICPC regionals web site.

Regional Rules

The ACM ICPC regional contest rules with the following clarifications apply:

Reference materials

We will essentially follow the 2005 World Finals' rules regarding what you may bring onto the contest floor.

You may not bring any reference materials such as books, program listings or notes. You may not bring any electronic devices or machine readable media (this includes cell phones, digital cameras, and mp3 players). You may not bring pens, pencils, or paper or other writing materials (this will be provided). Winter coats, bags etc should not be brought to the contest floor.

Your team should prepare a Team Contest Reference (TCR) document. The TCR (provided by you) and other reference materials (provided by us) will be available during the contest. See the reference materials page for information about the TCR and what materials we will provide for you.

Each team member may bring one printed, unannotated natural language dictionary. You may bring mascots such as stuffed toy animals or party hats (provided they do not violate any of the above constraints).

If there is some other item your team needs at the contest, please contact Head of Jury.

Programming languages

Allowed programming languages are C, C++, and Java. If you would like to see support for Pascal, please send a request to the Head of Jury no later than August 31, 2005.


The following tie breaker rule is used for team ranking (c.f. the rules of the ICPC regionals). If two teams solve the same number of problems and have the same total time, the team that first submitted its last accepted problem is ranked higher.
Last modified: November 17 2005
Published by: NWERC webmaster