
Linear spatio-temporal scale-space

Tony Lindeberg

Technical report CVAP257, ISRN KTH NA/P--01/22--SE. Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden.

Earlier version presented in Proc. First Int. Conf. Scale-Space'97 (B. M. ter Haar Romeny, L. M. J. Florack, J. J. Koenderink, and M. A. Viergever, eds.), vol. 1252 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Utrecht, The Netherlands), pp. 113--127, Springer Verlag, Berlin, July 1997.


This article shows how a linear scale-space formulation previously expressed for spatial domains extends to spatio-temporal data. Starting from the main assumptions that: (i) the scale-space should be generated by convolution with a semi-group of filter kernels and that (ii) local extrema must not be enhanced when the scale parameter increases, a complete taxonomy is given of the linear scale-space concepts that satisfy these conditions on spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal domains, including the cases with continuous as well as discrete data.

Key aspects captured by this theory include that: (i) time-causal scale-space kernels must not extend into the future, (ii) filter shapes can be tuned from specific context information, permitting mechanisms such local shifting, shape adaptation and velocity adaptation, all expressed in terms of local diffusion operations.

Receptive field profiles generated by the proposed theory show high qualitative similarities to receptive field profiles recorded from biological vision.

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Related publications: (Extension to time-recursive velocity-adapted spatio-temporal scale-space filters) (Earlier conference version at Scale-Space'97) (Separable scale-space with causal time direction) (Automatic selection of temporal scales in time-causal scale-space) (Discrete scale-space theory on a spatial domain based on non-creation of local extrema) (Discrete scale-space theory on a spatial domain based on non-enhancement of local extrema) (Monograph on scale-space theory)

Responsible for this page: Tony Lindeberg