Johan Boye

Johan Boye

I'm an associate professor (docent) in the Speech Technology group at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH.

I do research in language technology, in particular spoken dialogue systems and multi-modal dialogue systems, and more recently in computational (text) linguistics.

Specific problems I have addressed are spoken language understanding, dialogue management, and knowledge representation and semantic formalisms for such dialogue systems. I have investigated these problems in many different domains: geographic route planning, travel planning, intelligent homes, database search, call routing, troubleshooting, interactive exhibitions, and speech-enabled computer games. Have a look at my publications.


I'm currently doing research on

Earlier projects

Thanks to a grant from STINT, I spent the fall semester of 2016 as a visiting scholar at the Computer Science department at Williams College in Massachusetts, USA. Here is my report from the visit.


Address: 100 44 Stockholm
Visiting address:Lindstedtsvägen 24, floor 5, room 507
ORCID id:0000-0003-2600-7668
Project Euler profile: