We have the aim of developing automated and adaptive finite element methods and the open source FEniCS-HPC software framework for solving partial differential equations based on FEM with good scaling on massively parallel computers. A particular focus in the Unicorn component of FEniCS is on turbulent flow and fluid-structure interaction, and I also develop applications in aerodynamics and biomechanics.

These are some recent highlights of our research:

Simulation of aerodynamic forces on a full aircraft as part of the HiLiftPW-2 NASA/Boeing-organized workshop:

Recent results from the Unified Continuum model with fluid-structure data and implicit contact modeling, here applied to simulation of the vocal folds as part of the EUNISON FP7 project:

These are older results (from ca. 1999 and onwards):

Plastic cow (contact representation and mesh representation respectively).

Elastic cow falling down stairs.

Elastic bar (large displacements).

Previously I worked on an extended mass-spring model and simulator. Here are some sample movies of simulation output (MPEG-1):

Suspended cow (physical and geometric representation)

Cow falling down stairs

Man with bungee rope

Using the mass-spring representation as an interface between rigid body and deformable body mechanics models.

Real-time interaction with a simulation (for shape modeling) using a position/orientation sensor (which is also used as a camera).