Object-oriented Analysis and Design

Course Notes 2002

This page is no longer maintained. The course no longer exists. Last updated 2002-08-27.

News of the Day (Last updated 02-08-27)

The coursebook for 2002 is once again Craig Larman, "Applying UML and Patterns", second edition, Prentice Hall, 2001, ISBN 0137488807. This book is a bit more expensive (740 SEK at Kårbokhandeln), but very good.


This year, labredovisning will again be via internet. Please read the lab instructions for details of how to organise your work into web pages. When you have completed the exercise, you should e-mail me with the URL for your lab work.

Laboratory classes will be unsupervised. However, we will use time in lektion classes to discuss any lab problems.


To be announced

Marking Scheme.

Here are the details for passing the course OAD during the year 2002. The grade awarded for the course is the grade achieved on the examination. A score of at least 50% will guarantee the grade godkänd. To score "väl godkänd" a student must score at least 70% (though this is no guarantee for receiving the grade, if the average grade on the exam is well over 50%).

However, in addition to passing the exam, each student must satisfactorily pass the laboratory work. (No percentage grade is awarded for this work however, the laboratory mark is simply pass/fail).

Lektion work.

Here are the warehouse uses cases used in the lektioner.

Laboratory work.

For the laboratory exercises you should work in pairs, which you should organise for yourself. Anyone unable to find a partner may contact me, and I will try to pair you with another such person.

The laboratory exercise can be found here

Online Resources.

One place to get the current working version of UML (Draft 1.4) is the Rational UML Site. Here you can also download evaluation copies of a UML tool for Windows 98/NT.


The rest of this document contains:

  1. Educational Aims of the Course
  2. Under Redevelopment!

    ^ Up to Nada's home page.

    Latest update 27th August 2002. <karlm@nada.kth.se>