DD2352, Algorithms and Complexity 2014, algokomp14Times for oral examThese are the requirements for being admissable for the oral exam. You shouldHave grade C on the exam or Have grade E or D on the exam and have at least grade C on both Mas 1 and Mas 2.
Course evaluationHere are some questions we would like you to answer:Solutions to the examSolutionsCourse InformationCourse leader and lecturer: Johan Karlanderjohank@nada.kth.se .
Course assistant: Mladen Miksa: Current informationBooking for extra mas:
19/5: For those of you who haven't completed all labs there will be an extra opportunity during the lab week: http://www.csc.kth.se/utbildning/kth/labbvecka/ 22/4: Mas 2 is published. If you want to practise your skills and see what a mästarprov could look like, you can try to solve this one: Mas 2 2010 Course literatureKleinberg, Tardos; Algorithm Design, Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Learning outcomesThe goals of the course are to give the students
so that they will be able to
Course contentPrinciples for construction of algorithms: Decomposition, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. Algorithm analysis. Probalistic algorithms. Approximation. Selected applications to sets, graphs, arithmetic, and geometry.Computability and complexity: Reduction. Complexity classes P (polynomial time), NP (non-deterministic polynomial time), and NC (efficiently parallelizable problems). NP-complete problems. Undecidable problems. ExaminationThe examination has four parts.
Three of the parts are graded: Mas 1, Mas 2 and Exam. The final course grade will be the mean value of these grades where E count s as 1 and A counts as 5. In the first written phase the grade on the exam will be E, D or C. If you get grade C on the exam or i f you pass the exam and has got at least C on both Mas 1 and Mas 2 you can do a complementary exam and raise the grade on the exam to B or A. On the complementary exam you can also raise the grade on Mas 1 and Mas 2. The form of the exam is like this: You get 1, 2 or 3 problems to solve depending on whether you want a higher grade on Mas 1, Mas 2 or the exam. You get one hour to think about the problems. Then you will present the solutions to the examiner. This extra exam will be given June 9-11. There will be individual booking. Preliminary schedule for MästarprovMästarprov 1 will be published 14/2 and shall be handed in 28/2.Mästarprov 2 will be published 22/4 and shall be handed in 6/5. If you have failed either Mas 1 or Mas 2 there will be extra versions of them to solve. They will be published May 12 and should be submitted latest May 26. For those who have failed either Mas1 or Mas2 there are extra versions here. Correctly solved they give grade E:Here are some sketches for solutions to the old Mas 2 previously published. Solutions
ScheduleThis is a preliminary form. There could be small changes during the course.
Lecture notesF1ExercisesExercise 1 with solutions Exercise 2 Exercise 5
Laboratory workLab 1If you need help help with the lab you can contact Mladen miksa@kth.se Fredrik Lilkaer lilkaer@kth.se Mattias Andrée maandree@kth.se f you are going to present solutions to the theory questions you should present them in written form (and be prepaired to explain them). |