Most recent list of publications best accessed at my Google Scholar page. Also below comes references to selected publications.
Current Research Tracks with selected representative publications
- (T1) deep learning under uncertainty and undersupervision. Englesson ICLR24, Englesson TMLR23, Englesson NeurIPS21, Baldassarre ECCV20, Teye ICML18.
- (T2) Interpreting and understanding deep learning. Mehrpanah ECCV24, Nilsson CHIL24, Gamba TMLR23 , Gamba BMVC23 oral , Baldassarre ICLRw22 oral, Gamba AISTATS22, Baldassarre ICMLw19.
- (T3) Feature selection with deep learning. Wijk ICMLw24, Nilsson ICML24, Liu WACV23, Hu ECML23.
- (T4) Generative and foundation modelling. Gutha arXiv24, Sprague ICMLw24.
- (A1) Application to life sciences. Nilsson CHIL24, Sorkhei NeurIPS21, Liu MICCAI20, Dembrower Radiology20, Baldassarre Bioinformatics20.
- (A2) Application to physics. Guastoni ICLRw23, Guastoni JFM21, Eivazi IJHFF21, Guemes PoF21, Srinivasan PRF19.
- (A3) Application to earth observation. Yadav AEOG24, Hafner TGRS21.
- (A4) Computer Vision. Colomer ICCV23, Hu ECML23, Baldassarre ICLRw22 oral, Marti NLDL23, Liu WACV23.
Past Research Tracks with selected representative publications
- (T5) Transfer Deep Learning. Colomer ICCV23, Azizpour PAMI16, Azizpour CVPRw15 best paper.
- (T6) Latent Variable SVM. Azizpour(BMVC15), Azizpour(ECCV12), Aghazadeh(ECCV12).
Current Group Members (including PhD students for whom I am an active co-supervisor)
- Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Postdoc (reserach tracks: T4, A1)
- Erik Englesson, Postdoc (reserach tracks: T1)
- Matteo Gamba, PhD student as co-supervisor, main supervisor: Mårten Björkman (reserach tracks: T2)
- Heng Fang, PhD student as main supervisor (reserach tracks: T1, A3)
- Amir Mehrpanah, PhD student as main supervisor (reserach tracks: T1, T2, A1)
- Klas Wijk, PhD student as main supervisor (reserach tracks: T3, T4, A2)
- Sai bharath chandra Gutha, PhD student as main supervisor (reserach tracks: T4, T3, A2)
- Wenyin Zhou, PhD student as main supervisor (reserach tracks: T4, A1)
- Miquel Marti, PhD student as co-supervisor, main supervisor: Atsuto Maki. (reserach tracks: T1, A4)
- Abhijeet Vishwasrao, PhD student as co-supervisor, main supervisor: Ricardo Vinuesa (reserach tracks: T4, A2)
Past Group Members (including PhD students for whom I have been an active co-supervisor)
- Hao Hu, past postdoc, now research scientist at Vionlabs, Stockholm.
- Federico Baldassarre past PhD student as main supervisor (reserach tracks: T1, A1), now postdoc at Meta, Paris.
- Yue Liu, past PhD student as co-supervisor, main supervisor: Kevin Smith (reserach tracks: A1)
- Luca Guastoni, past PhD student as co-supervisor, main supervisor: Ricardo Vinuesa (reserach tracks: A2), now postdoc at TU Munich
Scientific Community Service
- Program Committee: ICCV(2013-2021), CVPR(2013-2022), ECCV(2016-2024), NeurIPS(2018-2023), ICML(2019-2024), ICLR(2018-2024), PAMI(2014-2022), IJCV(2017-2022), TIP(2014-2017), TNNLS(15,16), PR(16,21), RA-L(17,18), ACCV(2016-2020), BMVC(15,16,21), AAAI21, MICCAI17, RSS16, WACV15, ICPR14
- Area Chair: NeurIPS2024, ACML2024, ICML2024, CHIL2024, AISTATS2024, ICLR2024, NeurIPS2023, AISTATS2023, ECCV2022, ACML2022, ICML2021(expert reviewer), ECCV2020
- PhD Thesis/Licentiate committee member or opponent: Kunru Chen (HH 2024),Jakob Lindqvist (Chalmers 2024), Magnus Malmström (LiU 2023), Erik Gärtner (Lund 2023), Isak Åkhe Johansson (LiU 2022), Amir Akhavanrahnama (KTH 2022), Amanda Olmin (LiU 2022), Apostolia Tsirikoglou (LiU 2022), Mans Larsson (Chalmers 2018)
- Grant/Position Evaluation committee member or chair: Young Academy of Spain (2024), Adjunct Professor (Chalmers 2024), WASP-DDLS(2023), Digital Futures (2021, 2022), DTI (2021) Breast Cancer Now (2019)
Some activities and hobbies
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