Computational Science and Technology Department (CST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Master Theses @ ESAL
Ewoud van der Heide,
Human-Computer Interaction
Other Projects
Using games as educational tools: An evaluation of a
game for children to train facial expression recognition
Juho Kastemaa,
Human-Computer Interaction
Recognizing Compound Facial Expressions of
Virtual Characters in Augmented Reality
Halit Anil Domnez,
Computer Science and Engineering
Collision Avoidance for Virtual Crowds Using
Reinforcement Learning
Jack Shabo,
Computer Science and Engineering
High Density Simulation of Crowds with Groups in
Robin Palmberg,
Media Technology
The Effect of Facial Expressions Valence on the
Perception of the Body Motions of Virtual Groups
Oscar Friberg,
Media Technology
Investigating urban perception using procedural
street generation and virtual reality
Miguel Ramos Carretero,
Computer Science and Engineering
Investigating Emotion Contagion and Perception of
Emotional Behaviour in Crowd Simulation
Zhou Yang,
Computer Science and Engineering
An Implementation and Evaluation of the Least-effort
Approach of Crowd Simulation
Pooria Ghavamian,
ESAL Summer Internship Report
Computer Science and Engineering
Towards Photorealism in Mixed Reality Environments
Felix Liu and Leo Enge
Crowd Simulation using Flow Tiles
Physics Engineering Degree Projects
Aron Granberg
Planning bipedal character locomotion in
virtual worlds
Karl Gylleus,
Computer Science and Engineering
Perception of procedurally generated virtual buildings
Vincent Wong and Max Turpeinen
Group Simulation of Three Agents using Unity 3D
Martin Funkqvist and Staffan Sandberg
Simulating Group Formations using RVO
Richard Ristic and Johan Berglund
High-density Real-time Virtual Crowds via
Unilaterally Incompressible Fluid Simulation
David Malmström and Stefan Kaalen
An Investigation of an Example-Based Method
for Crowd Simulations
Hannes Vestberg, Thomas von Prouss, David
Nylander, Gustav Fridh
Advanced Project Course: Interactive Media Technology
Small group formations of virtual characters using a 3D game engine
Zhou Yang,
Advanced Individual Course
Computer Science and Engineering
Procedural Footpath Generation
Computer Science Degree Theses
Christina Sonebo and Joel Ekelöf
Creating and Evaluating an Interactive
Visualization Tool For Crowd Trajectory Data
Willy Liu and Daniel Parhizgar
Evaluating classroom evacuation with crowd
Simon Kawaji and Johan Ribom
Impact of Anomalies in Simulated Crowds
Jacob von Eckermann
How users differentiate imposters from real
Tom Axblad and Alvaro Mattsson
Evacuation with Obstacles in Real-time using
Crowd Simulation
Niklas Blomqvist,
Human-Computer Interaction
Perception of Trustworthiness and Valence of
Emotional Expressions in Virtual Characters
Adelina Tahiri, Johan Torell, Lilian Jap, Cecilia de la
DM2350 Human Perception and IT
Investigation of the Perception of Politeness in Small Group
Dani Mataruga, Elisa Vecchi, Mai-Khanh Lê and Nilay
DM2350 Human Perception and IT
Perception of virtual facial expressions: Response times and
Fredrik Berglund, Ellinor Jutterström, Erik Lindström,
Marcus Unander
DM2350 Human Perception and IT
Effects of synthetic characters’ pace on stress perception
David Ringqvist,
Media Technology
Perceptual Evaluation of Plausibility of Virtual Furniture
Xingjiang Yu,
Computer Science
OSM-Based Automatic Road Network Geometries
Generation on Unity
Xu Han,
Human-Computer Interaction
Investigating Proxemics between Avatars in Virtual
Kasper Karlgren,
Media Technology
Perceived Physical Presence in Mixed Reality
Embodiment vs Augmented Reality Robot Interaction
Linnea Fornander,
Human-Computer Interaction
Impact of Facial Self-Similarity and Gender of a
Storytelling Virtual Character
Alexander Hjelm,
Computer Science
Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap Footpath Data
John Brink, Mikaela Gärde, Erik Meurk, Ebba Rovig
DM2350 Human Perception and IT
Solid walls in urban environments and their effect on women’s
percieved safety in virtual reality
Hallbjörg Embla Sigtryggsdóttir, Kári Steinn
Aðalsteinsson, Sindri Pétursson, Yuanyang Ren
DM2350 Human Perception and IT
Impact of natural versus man-made waste on the perception of
dirtiness and realism of a 3D virtual reality urban environment