Adaptive Control for Pivoting with Visual and Tactile Feedback
Francisco E. Viña B., Yiannis Karayiannidis, Christian Smith and Danica Kragic
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'16). Stockholm, Sweden.
In this work we present an adaptive control approach
for pivoting, which is an in-hand manipulation maneuver that consists of rotating a grasped object
to a desired orientation relative to the robot's hand. We perform pivoting by means
of gravity, allowing the object to rotate
between the fingers of a one degree of freedom gripper and controlling the
gripping force to ensure that the object follows a reference trajectory and arrives
at the desired angular position. We use a
visual pose estimation system to track the pose of the object
and force measurements from tactile sensors to control the gripping force.
The adaptive controller employs an update law that accommodates for errors
in the friction coefficient, which is one of the most common
sources of uncertainty in manipulation. Our experiments
confirm that the proposed adaptive controller successfully pivots a grasped object
in the presence of uncertainty in the object's friction parameters.
Adaptive Control for Pivoting with Visual and Tactile Feedback