My name is Johan Jansson, I’m Associate Professor at Numerical Methods/Computational Science and Technology Numerical Methods/Computational Science and Technology at KTH, and leading the CFD Computational Technology research line at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM).
We have the aim of developing automated and adaptive finite element methods and the open source FEniCS and FEniCS-HPC software framework for solving partial differential equations based on FEM with good scaling on massively parallel computers. A particular focus in the Unicorn component of FEniCS is on turbulent flow and fluid-structure interaction, and I also develop applications in aerodynamics and biomechanics.
Rahul Kumar (Post doc)
Margarida Moragues Ginard (Post doc)
Van Dang Nguyen (PhD student)
Massimiliano Leoni (PhD student)
Ezhilmathi Krishnasamy (PhD student)
Tamara Dancheva (PhD student)
contact address
Johan Jansson
100 44 Stockholm
E-Mail: jjan@kth.se
Telephone (work): +46 (0)8 790 6417
I’m located at room 1517 in the computer science building at Lindstedstvägen 5.
Check out the music of my lovely and talented wife Elin: Unos Visor
Simulation images have been created by: Johan Jansson. Heart logo and simulation by: Jonas Thorén, Jeannette Spũhler, Johan Jansson and PHILIPS.