It is well-known that if an NPO problem can be solved in polynomial time,
then its corresponding decision problem can also be solved in polynomial time.
As a consequence, if
then any NPO problem whose
corresponding decision problem is NP-complete is not solvable in polynomial
time. In these cases we sacrifice optimality and start looking for approximate
solutions computable in polynomial time.
Let A be an NPO problem. Given an instance x and a feasible solution y of x, we define the performance ratio of y with respect to x as
The performance ratio is always a number greater than or equal to 1 and is as close to 1 as y is close to the optimum solution.
Let A be an NPO problem and let T be an algorithm that, for any
instance x of A, returns a feasible solution T(x) of x. Given an
arbitrary function
we say that T is an r(n)-approximate algorithm for A if, for any instance x, the performance
ratio of the feasible solution T(x) with respect to x verifies the
following inequality:
If an NPO problem admits an r(n)-approximate polynomial-time algorithm we say that it is approximable within r(n).
An NPO problem A belongs to the class APX if it is approximable
within ,
for some constant
Let A be an NPO problem. An algorithm T is said to be an approximation scheme for A if, for any instance x of A and for any
returns a feasible solution of
x whose performance ratio is at most
An NPO problem A belongs to the class PTAS if it admits a polynomial-time approximation scheme, that is, an approximation scheme whose time complexity is bounded by q(|x|) where q is a polynomial.
Observe that the time complexity of an approximation scheme in the above
definition may be of the type
where p is a polynomial. Thus, computations with
values very close to 1 may turn out to be practically unfeasible.
This leads us to the following definition.
An NPO problem A belongs to the class FPTAS if it admits a
fully polynomial-time approximation scheme, that is, an approximation
scheme whose time complexity is bounded by
q is a polynomial.
Clearly, the following inclusions hold: