
The examination of the course is in the form of labs and projects.


The labs are intended to give a hands-on experience and help to set you up for doing the projects. You are encourage to work together with the labs to feed of each other and discuss problems. You can download instructions that will help you. As the background knowledge between participants usually varies much, you are encouraged to explore on your own and discuss in groups as well.


With the projects you are supposed to show that you have grasped and understood the material in course and show that you can make proper use of the programming language in order to solve the task. The projects are to be undertaken individually.


You should submit your source files using Bilda. Dependent on your submission we might ask you to present your work and answer some questions. If your assignment achieves the specifications you will get another signature on the report paper.


The deadlines for the different parts of the course to be submitted into Bilda is as follows,

Matlab: 16th of September 23:59
C: 6th of October 23:59
C++: 16th of October 23:59