KTH Demo: Inliner

Inputs to the Inliner

The Policy

The default policy used is "don't connect to yahooapis domain" displayed below.


SCOPE Session


BEFORE javax.microedition.io.Connector.open(string x) PERFORM
!x.startsWith("http://local.yahooapis.com")-> {
BEFORE javax.microedition.io.Connector.open(string x, int mode) PERFORM
!x.startsWith("http://local.yahooapis.com")-> {

The Mobile Jam Application

The Mobile Jam application has been developed at FAST. The goal of the application is to report and request traffic events (like jams, accidents, etc.)

The original files for the Mobile Jam application can be downloaded here: MobileJam.jar and MobileJam.jad.

Proceed to the inlining step >>