School of
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science
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Research Areas
Approximation algorithms
Computer science education
Human language technology
Learning-based software testing
Program logics
Program verification
Proof complexity and SAT solving
Software security
CVPP: Control-Flow Verification of Programs with Procedures
ENCOVER: Epistemic Noninterference COncolic VERifier
PeerSoN: Privacy-Preserving P2P Social Networks
PROSPER: Provably Secure Execution Platforms for Embedded Systems
SpaceBook: speech-driven, hands-free, eyes-free navigation and exploration for pedestrians!
Completed Projects
HATS: Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models
Algebraic computation
Autonomous networks
Computational complexity
CrossCheck - a grammar checker for second language writers
Decision support
Graphs with bounded decomposability
Nordisk nätordbok
Object-relational spatial analysis DBMS
Swedish information retrieval with language technology and matrix computations
Verification of Erlang Programs
Published by:
Stephan Gocht
Updated 2014-03-18