The Finite Element Method
Information for fem09
See the "Course PM" to the left for formal information about the
course (examination, techers, etc.).
Course evaluation form
Please fill out the course evaluation form.
The following message means that your submitted form has been received:
Din utvärdering har tagits emot. Tack för hjälpen!
- 100107:
Re-exam will take place on monday 11 January in room 4523 (close to my office) from 13-18. Please mail me in advance to register.
- 091012:
Put up typical examination questions in preparation
for the exam.
- 090920:
Johan is home sick on monday 20 Sep., so there is no lecture.
- 090831:
PDF version of reference book (CDE) available at
course modules
- 090830:
The first meeting for the course is on Monday, Aug. 31 15-17 in
lecture hall E3. See the schedule
for more details. See you there! / Johan
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6