Sök Kontakt
Skolan för
och kommunikation
KTH / CSC / Kurser / DT2140

DT2140 Multimodal interfaces

Suggested projects

This list will be completed and is non-exhaustive. You may choose any project topic that interests you more, as long as you have had it approved by one of the teachers of the course.

Supervisors: OE=Olov Engwall, AF=Anders Friberg, RB=Roberto Bresin, JM=Jonas Moll AL=Anders Lundstrom.

Tangible interfaces, Augmented Reality etc.

Visual input and gestures

Sound and Music

Spoken interaction

Haptic interfaces

How audio affects interaction in a haptic interface (JM): Evaluate the interaction in a haptic vs haptic/audio interface. How is peoples' joint interaction affected by sound together with haptic feedback?

Adding audio feedback to an existing visual/haptic interface (JM): Implement a sound model to complement a visual/haptic interface for statistical analysis. A short evaluation of the resulting application should be performed.

Designing for haptic collaboration (JM): Design a haptic application for two or more users including functions for collaboration. Examples of collaborative functions could be "holding hands" and "feeling the other person(s)". Try to come up with guidelines on how haptic collaborative functions should be designed.

Illustrate a physical phenomena (JM): Design an application in which the user can change certain variables (like forces, distances, velocity,...) in formulas and FEEL the effects thereof. (JM)

Course responsible: Olov Engwall, engwall@kth.se, 790 75 65