Sök Kontakt
Skolan för
och kommunikation
KTH / CSC / Kurser / DT2140

DT2140 Multimodal interfaces

Course literature

The main litterature can be found in bilda.kth.se as a compilation of different articles relating to the different areas.

The compilation includes:
Multimodal interfaces:
Reeves et. al (2004) Guidelines for multimodal user interface design, Communications of the ACM, 47(1), pp. 57-59.
Oviatt S. (1999). Ten myths of multimodal interaction. Communications of the ACM, 42(11), pp. 74 - 81 (Available from KTH computers).
Oviatt S., Coulston, R., Lunsford, R. (2004). When do we interact multimodally?: cognitive load and multimodal communication patterns. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, pp. 129 - 136 (Available from KTH computers).
Oviatt, S. (2000). Taming recognition errors with a multimodal interface Communications of the ACM, 43(9), pp. 45-51 (Available from KTH computers).

Augmented reality and tangible interfaces:
A Survey of Augmented Reality [Azuma et al. 1997]
Recent advances in Augmented Reality [Azuma et al. 2001]
Multi-Touch Surfaces: A Technical Guide [Schöning et al. 2008]
Introduction to AR [Olwal 2009]

Sound in interaction:
Rocchesso, D., & Bresin, R. (2007). Emerging sounds for disappearing computers. In Streitz, N., Kameas, A., & Mavrommati, I. (Eds.), The Disappearing Computer (pp. 233-254). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.

Speech-driven interfaces:
McTear, M (2002) Spoken Dialogue Technology: Enabling the Conversational User Interface

Gustafson, J. (2002) Developing Multimodal Spoken Dialogue Systems - Empirical Studies of Spoken Human-Computer Interactions", PhD thesis, KTH, Stockholm, pp. 1-62 (pp. 15-76 in the pdf file).

And some other material...

Recommended course book: Shneiderman, B & Plaisant, C. (2010). "Designing the User Interface. Strategies for effective human-computer interaction." Pearson. ISBN 978-0-321-60148-3.

Course responsible: Olov Engwall, engwall@kth.se, 790 75 65